MARINE REVIEW. | i C.STARKE, Pres. W.H.MEYER,V. Pres. THoS.W. SHERIFFS, Manager. - Manufacturers of MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, Dredge Machinery of Latest Design, MARINE REPAIRS AT ALL HOURS. 77 W106, 20,190 8 182 Danlay Stee MILWAUKEE, WIS. Telephone 16S. . MANISTEE IRON WORKS CO. Manistee, Mich., MANUFACTURERS OF Marine and Stationary Engines | BLACK HORSE } JACKSON HILL = Ci = 93 Liberty St. | I13 Federal St. and Boilers. ea PROVED eave wrreeiescs ie ee ae Bee , Triple Expansion, Fore and Aft, and Steeple Compound o ete Send for new | (CAAT (GUE Engines, and High Pressure Engines, = > A PUMPING IIAGHINERY sos | ttt | OA General Mill Machinery and Salt Well Outfits. ¢ yo Tur INCANDESCENT LIGHT Is the only safe means of illuminating Passenger, Freight or Excursion Steamers. All other illuminants are dangerous. The Fisher system is Automatic in its operation, perfect in every de- tail, and does not require a skilled expert. FISHER ELECTRIC Co. 183, 185 & 187 Larned St., DETROIT, MICH. "The man whoknows so much about his profession that he cannot learn something about it by reading and study, has a very small profession or a very large cranium." Marine and Mechanical | piterature and Periodicals. n° Re B2 Be me Per Year. Peeters eM ohio late, A ARCEESON) acs cise ve osduracteteus aaaats »rusdvviou'edhardsib oigetaees ¢ 3 00 WEtiiGa Me tena iy ANG Matte ICVIEW, tosis ct <cmicrinaas osc gansslgsiansesloaihive sedge «iver 4 00 MES GaGa MSO, HOITIOM acai dgcsaas se uesces cists ne terectnncapuccheorrcatie ss a%tnas 2 OO Rrra eliee GG Chalet Fat io eval tttl AVIA TAIIS, ONO pis ccae acieining yea" an2> basco ss ye caspcenspséaenerenws 3 00 Engineering, (London), Weekly.............:++s00s tee eneesteeeeenee susteeeueaunanee eee rs IO 00 Engineering, (London), Weekly and Marine Review............c..csseeeceeceeceeeees IO 0O The Engineer, (London), Weekly.........s.scssceseseeseeseeeeseeeeteeceseneee sneeeenes IO 0O The Engineer, (London), Weekly and Marine Review...........:...ccseceeeceeceee IO 00 The Engineer, (New York), Semi Monthly... betes cel. MIE SLU GERE deals sD. Sood abes 2 00 The Engineer, (New York), and Marine Review..........0::s000sssssseesesetseeneeeees 3 80 Engineering, (New York), Monthly Magazine... . ...........cesseeeeeeeeees ceeeetees 3 00 3 Engineering, (New York) and Marine Review.. ... fee ae ee eeee eae ee caeeeteee eeeees 4 00 on Emerson Binder, (that will hold 52 Nos. of the Marine Review)..........:.s0s:000 75 All marine, scientific, mechanical or trade publications furnished to subscribers of the MARINE REVIEW at 25 Per Cent. less than subscription rates. WESTERN OFFICE, MARINE REVIEW, 210 So. 5h aan en 510 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0.