MARINE REVIEW. 15 SWAIN WRECKING CO. | TUGS FAVORITE) Barker & MILLEN, DETROIT, MICH. and SAGINAW. | Capt. M. SWAIN, CHEBOYGAN, MICH. THERE WERE MORE SHIPMATE RANGES Sold in 1693.than in.1890; more-in 1860-tham in 1889; and so on back, each year showing an increase over the year before it. Thiss is witaiis<t0=be expected or ariytinet! SO. good as the SHIPMATE. Send for Illustrated Circulars. The Stamford Foundry Co., STAMEPORD, CONN. LAK ER oe WORKS. PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY. The Best Equip- "You may take my order for one, and | will very pro- ped plant in bably want another," said H. D. Goulder, admiralty attorney, America for when he ordered the Dictionary. It is a book of reference the manufact- that any one connected with marine affairs cannot afford to ure of modern be without. Send $5.00 and your order to the MARINE - Marine Boil- REVIEW, Cleveland, Ohio. ers. ===) surrato.y. | THE GRAND HAVEN SHIPBUILDING CO., D. ROBERTSON, Manager and Buildez. FARRAR & TREFTS, SHIPBUILDING, REBUILDING, REPAIRING Propeller, Yacht&Tug Wheels, TUGS, FISHING BOATS, YACHTS. NEATH Oba (ASN SA LOIN AL ee ac EINGINES==BorL=ars. | PHOENIX IRON WORKS REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. --MANUFACTURERS OF-- HartoraG Berry Street; - Drilling Boilers and Engines a Specialty : o : Modern Marine Engines:Boilers BUFFALO, N. Y. 1223 to 1231 Fourth St., PORT HURON, MICH. ' JOHNSTON BROTHERS, Ferrvsburg Steam Boiler Works, FERRYSBURG, MICH. _ Telephone Nos. | Spor nee Tae) Special Attention Given to Repairs, | Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, | ;--= "wave vou near or THE» i a eee HYDRAULIC crias."° IT IS ASTONISHING HOW WELL AND EASY THEY DO THEIR WORK. Manufactured by HENRY BLOECKER & COMP'Y, CRAWLEY & JOHNSTON. ----MANUFACTURERS OF -- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . CINCINNATI. OHIO. ALL classes OF D/C QLLITLS Emneines. DULUTH DIRECTORY. General Job and Repair Work promptly attended to. THE CLYDE IRON COMPANY, : GRAND HAVEN, - - MICH. OFFICE AND WORKS: 302, 304, 306 & 308 Lake Avenue, South, DULUTH, MINN. mR, A. WEBSTER, Supt. Machinists, Foundrymen, Blacksmiths and Steam Fitters. Special attention given Marine Work. Ship Chandlery & Mill Supplies, Packings, Waste, Oils, Greases, Boiler Purgers, etc. Cc. H. McCuUTCHEON, (Successor to SAMUEL McOCUTCIELIEOW -) SEZ i, EX ALINE L Ic WwW LUBRIC A NT Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron MAUL aClO ny. Specially adapted for Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies Maring Engines, Cocks Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and te Mi ippllek, Rubber Belting, bee and. Packin 8, een ings, Valves, &c., Leather Belting an sudurian Packin. A Solidified Oil. Clean, Telephone No. 68. No. 18 Ohio Street BUFFALO, N. Y.. and does away with Oils and Greases. Higher fire test. Acknowledged the = feo c Ee EC Read: as --S Ee Ee Cc Cy. 5 most economical Lubricant made. BRI, PA., ____ MANUFACTURERS OF THE----_ H. B. KINGSLEY & C0., KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. CLEVELAND, 0. 288 SENECA STREET These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the fame Goll ' Best Rubber Valwes made. Telephone 2126,