-B. D. Baxscock, President. li. MARINE REVIEW. KING IRON BRIDGE & MFG. CO., CLEVELAND, O., Iron and Steel Bridges, Girders, Buildings and Structural Work of all kinds, é Hoisting and Conveying Machinery for nee Ore, Coal, &c. } W. EB. Luptow, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. W. R. Hountineton, Sec'y & Treas. THE LUDLOW MANUFACTURING CO. Office, 121 Superior St., Room 12, CLEVELAND, OHIO, MANUFACTURERS OF ~ The Ludlow Bucket, FOR THE HANDLING OF COAL, OREF.ana STONE. CLEVELAND, O., Noy. 18, 1891. 'To Wuom 1T May Concern :--We have had four of the one and one-half ton and four of the two-ton Ludlow Buckets in use on our coal docks since July 5, 1891, and have had no repairs whatever to make on them, with the exception of replacing one defective stem. The Buckets do the work to our entire satisfaction, and when used in connection with the Ludlow Patent Trip, which has been in use on one of our derricks for the past six weeks, they are, in our opinion, away ahead of any other coal buckets we have ever seen used. J. S. ASHLEY, Agent, New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Co. ALMYS'S PATENT SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS FOR | MARINE and STATIONARY WORK Manufactured by Ey ALMY WATER TUBE BOILER (0, Providence, R.|I. : us '" The use of boilers of the coil type in Fe vessels of small displacement and enor- mously large power is ali vady a necessity, and it will not be many USN. before their use will be general in all steam vessels.'"'--Engineer-in-Chief Melville, CHILION P. CONGER. OMAR D. CONGER. - Attorneys and . .°. Conger & Conger, Counsellors at Law, No. 45 Corcoran Building, Washington, D. C. We make a specialty of all Marine and Shi ae Business before the Treasury Depart- mentand Congress. Patent Business. Practice, Court of Claims and U.S. Supreme Court. PATENTS WPetteLEGGETT Patents Obtained in the UNITED Attorneys at Patent Law, STATES and FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Masonic Temple, CLEVELAND, OHIO. UA a | FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENTS CITY OF SUPERIOR, WIS., SIX PER CENT. BONDS. CONNEAUT WATER WORKS CO., CONNEAUT, OHIO, SIX PER CENT. GOLD BONDS. FOR SALE BY LAMPRECHT BROS. & CO, BANKERS, Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. The Jenks Ship Building Co. GENERAL SHIP BUILDERS, Correspondence Solicited. THE CONDIT-FULLER CO. BAR IRON, SHEET IRON, PLATE IRON, PIG IRON, BOILER RIV BOILER TUBES. ; sie PLATE STEEL, GAS PIPE, BOAT SPIKES, CLINCH RINGS, CLEVELAND, O. STEEL NAILS. ALOGUE ANo DISCOUNTS Insurance Co. of North America. INCORPORATED 1794. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, GEO. L. McCURDY, Manager, Chicago, III. CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President. EUGENE L. ELLIsoy, 2d Vice-Pres't. GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec'y & Treas. JouN H. Arwoop, Assistant Secretary. Capital, paid up in cash...............ccccceceeeeeeeeee $3,000 000.00 Assets... nent ete ee ae ee 8,951 ,518.83 PORT HURON. MICH. -IS ON NEARLY ? S3OO STEAM VESSELS. "MAGNESIA TEAM PIPE and BOILER COVERING. SECTIONAL, BLOCK and PLASTIC FORM. Address, MACAN & CO., 237 Bank Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Dae ge