MARINE REVIEW. i Rute boule me) octet Ee atte i SERVE'S PATENT Ribbed Boiler and Stay Tubes Show an average economy in fuel of 15 per cent. In steamers, this means not only so much saving in cost of coal, but additional freight capacity. kes"F ull particulars on application. iy a ey ney eo eee Purves' Patent Ribbed Boiler Furnaces. 7 Nearly 10,000 Purves' Patent Ribbed Furnace Flues, of which this cut is a section, are in use in Marine Boilers. Besides having greater strength to resist collapse than any other furnace made, they possess many additional advantages which we shall be happy to enumerate on application. CHARLES W. WHITNEY, Representing Messrs. JOHN WILLIAMS & Co.,Liverpool, Sole Agent for the United States and Canada. 81 & 83 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. (eee ISG SE Send for New Sy ess" 93 Liberty St. | 113 Federal St. TN Z NEW YORK. | BOSTON. MPROVED AGH LL Y "ctass" PUMPING of Work. Illustrated | GAWATAGUE MANISTEE IRON WORKS CO. Manistee, Mich., MANUFACTURERS OF Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers. Triple Expansion, Fore and Aft, and Steeple Compound Engines, and High Pressure Engines, General Mill Machinery and Salt Well Outjits. Excursion Steamers. Taz INCANDESCENT LIGHT Is the only safe means of illuminating Passenger, Freight or All other illuminants are dangerous. The Fisher system is Automatic in its operation, perfect in every de- tail, and does not require a skilled expert. FISHER ELECTRIC C0. 183,185 & 187 Larned St., DETROIT, MICH. Atlas Engineering Co., Limited, ofr BOSTON, MASS., Civil and Mechanical Engineers aud: Architects AND DESICNERS OF Docks, Warehouses and Mills, Freight and Pass- enger Stations, Industrial Buildings of every description and Special Structures. Superin- tendents Construction. Estimates Furnished. ic Li , I i : Guage Electric Light and Power Plants. Electric Broad and Narrow Gu: Railroads. High Grade of Efficiency. Permanent Electrical Wiring. %e"CoRRESPONDENCE SoLicITED. IF Work Undertaken in ANY Part of America. Office, 258 Washington St., BOSTON. P.O. Address, 3492 (P.O.Box), Boston,Mass. "Ttdoes its work" BURTON'S PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. This cut shows the valve designed for marine purposes. The lever is for the purpose of forcing valve open if it should become dirty. In use on twenty of the finest steel steamers. For price list and letters telling how it works after two years' use, write Cc. H. BURTON, Main and Center Streets, CLEVELAND, 0.