8 | MARINE REVIEW. MARINE REVIEW. DEVOTED TO THE LAKE MARINE AND KINDRED TIN DLO SD Ss JoHN M. MULROONEY, F. M. Barton, FRE TERE ee We tes cae Se ee ae ct HoMER J.CarR, - - - Associate Editor and Manager Chicago Office, 210 South Water Street. Published every Thursday at No. 516 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION--$2.00 per year in advance. Convenient binders sent, post paid, 75 cents. Advertising rates on application. Eintered at Cleveland Post Office as Second-class Mail Matter. In another part of this issue there is presented for the con- sideration of vessel owners some figures showing profits of in- surance companies in marine business. The information is taken from official statements and should be the means of at least demanding attention from those among the vessel owners who have not given proper study to the subject of mutual in- surance. For years past the vessel owners of the lakes have protested against a system of insurance that is attended by what they term unnecessary expenses. Some of the recognized lead- ers among the owners have declared repeatedly that the business as it is now managed by stock companies has not been adjusted so as to cope with advancement in the way of reduced expenses in other lines of the carrying trade, and these same owners have sought and found relief to some extent in the English Lloyds. The question of mutual insurance has not, however, been given proper consideration by them. A movement in this direction is now on foot in more formidable shape than ever before, and owners in all parts of the lakes who are not bound by insurance ties should fit themselves for a thorough consideration of the question when the proper time arrives for a meeting. A REPOR' from Washington says the Frye bill, which met such opposition from the shipping interests all over the country shortly after the opening of the present Congress, will be re- ported again in a few days with amendments from the Senate committee on commerce. This is hardly correct, at least as far as the present session of Congress is concerned, as Senator Frye, who is chairman of the commerce committee, promised the offi- cers of commercial bodies in leading shipping ports that they should be given a hearing before the bill is again reported, and gave them to understand that it would not be reported again during the present session. It is claimed that the officers of the revenue marine who prepared the bill have gone over it and have stricken out some of the objectionable parts, mainly sec- tions 83 and 85, which as originally. framed would render most old boilers in merchant vessels useless. These sections were not the only objectionable features of the bill. It wasa meas- ure full of radical requirements. No board of revenue marine officers should be permitted to make laws for merchant vessels. SIX companies engaged in the insurance business on the lakes show a profit on this class of business for the season of 1891 of $198,134, or more than 4o per cent. of the gross prem- iums. What more forcible argument is needed in favor of mutual insurance? Final Appropriations in the River and Harbor Bill. Of immediate appropriations aggregating $22,470,118 in the river and har- bor bill as it passed the Senate the lakes get $2,941,779. The bill, which has now passed both houses, will be referred to a conference committee, and it may be that the reduction from $500,000 to $375,000 made by the Senate in the first appropriation for the 20 and 21-foot channel throughout the lakes will be regained in conference, but outside of this no other changes bearing upon lake appropriations may be expected. A full list of the lake items in the bill, prepared from final amendments in the Senate, is printed below. The $2,965,000 provided for the 20 and 21-foot channel in addition to the $375,000 appropriated, enabling the government engineers to enter into con- tracts for the entire work, is the most important feature of the bill to the lakes. Under this plan a saying of $768,000 has been made already in the contracts I a OO for the St. Mary's lock and canal, and $900,000 has been saved on the Hay lake channel work. : For a ship channel 20 and 21 feet in depth, anda minimum width of 300 feet in the shallows and connecting waters of the great lakes between Chicago, Duluth and Buffalo............0-:.:eeseee ees $ 375,000 Providing that contracts for the entire work may be made, not to exceed, however, $2,965,000, exclusive of amount appropriated. The following shows appropriations for different harbors and rivers, for continuation of work, except where name is prefixed with a *, which refers to work to be completed, commenced or repaired; : Butta, Ne Nise test wate, wees stones teers tceatswste m chadlceeaena octet eaecaedersemmee $ 225,000 Charlotte, N. Yo...scccsccssccccscssscccsesenstscnsececceesscosnowadecsessoescaueerans 25,000 My irate eNO Nc pactears costes ec cee ciclo epie poise elnciete ele caieies saree o'p ewtata tawerebte cons core 25,000 Great Sodus Bay, N. Y.......sssscsscsconscersscerescceeseessccsecesecsseessenncoes 15,000 *Little Sodus Bay, N. Y......0ce.ccscscssecvasnceeaeceneneseccenapseneroesarnnconse 6,000 Ogdensburg, N. Yecccccesssccocccensccnscecesnnssessccseccersscseaseesessssaesceeess 40,000 Oswego N. Yusseccccsscerssessssesesstneeterecesteceseraeeseeaeens eats ees 40,000 *Rondout, Nid Yeecsevcsenccedvcasssoseieecsiices avis somes -wemnaceerisasrlscenca sesame 5,000 Tonawanda harbor and Niagara River, N. Y.......ssscssssssessscensensenes 75,000 Winter ai tes sivunon pechynoetcaesscasese Wb aise od s Sede e ddan eaeee ees oiler Sen cuener deuce ceame 40,000 PASHTU sO) sce seaeacete ress sales sn ancvcllesen ieee ear Tejuiie.dulis ware soe Mevans Sanne 70,000 BlBek UR Iver, On. iiccdolsves. oonssbuvecewacteccvesdercuattelet vs ctedearuserees eet 20,000 @leveland; Ov, s<c0ceciseeances Cawiniteciale'th awn's pa Sbtorales Sein Me see Gaap ee ten sede pene eee 100,000 Hlalinp Ont: Orcs nce ccncsnessan «seit scalar saaiuntienaaiisa ea tees a rhl-eeteneea ae 30,000 DEG oreecasow uc a ni fereceesc So sbaudey weculn carne eeeninte Bpigsiceoesiaaase tee aeeeee 15,000 ASANO USK, Clem. sne se teceieacone eas ont Meals etase enon er atiar sass see eer tere a) Ali Moledo, O} @Stravoht Clamnel.ccewsse oct. cabethewnterteneaaieness7 snes seme me me 200,000 AV ernaillvom, sOs ictaosnes sa teioonnises ledesseedseteee wee aide deWeveig stsbaes Sab emacteeen 2,000 *Conneaut, O: Relocation channel and construction new piers 50,000 A ELoyig Ol holo) ol tO Baer See Skene ne stecrisdoddoodcenus ort andousccaccoanentitn eBbcacaades 10,000. Michigan City, Ind. Outer han botier.deansaceeeenneeen taser sete 30,000 sMichigant City, Wmd:) diner an bons ccrssenvssceacearderdecdsneeea. sesame 15,000 *Calumetilarbors less. snrssedsee ts ceess siete « cai od rel ocala « subi h seem 15,000 ROCIO UU ie cenuceoe tsaeuesuescatssSiepee sage ten deey tease eee ne eee 72,000 Weantke pan ye llva..2.scaseassteaaiss ovine castes seek ane essoreneeel sean mae eee eae 25,000 Charlevoix, Mich., and entrance to Pine lake..............0.0:--0co.<--s0% 10,000 Frankfort, Mich....... Jigeableusdeeeaertuas dbase sob ucdeh ore tae dieddta nie tencaadnets 10,000 Grand Haven): Michis....s2.<. .sabesicattadscscb es be sapn needs nena. conte eee eee 90,000 Grand Manais; Mich; > Hianbor of returetics-...25.hnececsa ese ee 30,00C Miamistees, MiGh tain cocchvencetacesccateanes -cvaessareseeecee neg fe alk siseis Sole eaeeee 50,000 Ehollanid SMiGhrcceisecctacoaccctecacacecdanevcestas thers heer tin: rns coterie 5,000 Mionroes Mich eiciaats. asess casseekeeed. torent oialdlo chide aid St stl Weidae s waa Seeee mare 10,000 Muskegon, Mich................. \issraldibsowsthkets adda vant eee oitids sLWRae ais ents ets 75,000 Onfandgon,»Michiecccrcsneses: casos se sadenenenst tone soateme der shahcteach iene 20,000 ™ Pentwater, Mine scaz sesnes se cent sense. Sseacaaer ies taetieet ind areca oe me - 8,000 Sand Beach, Mich, harbor of netiges, c.s-0s:-s:4..0n 2c: cee eee 150,000 St. Joseph, Mich., including Benton Harbor canal...............02.0.00+ 71,000 Southaven) Michi} :2 ci cccavectces see -nee Saebisag wivichs « Lapigstete subuae Aialeteee et 10,000 WV hides Wal ee eM iClear eet eeren eee + sift false pawasisinnag sad mien eCaen tee yaa 5,000 Marquette,' MiGhistic.cvncdsctacesessh dun nesenes, coc ise. caee ee cease eae j 80,000 Ludington, Mich...... (eas oki ageserateced dreuteceaeutlodedas mrss uecserde ace neseeten 5,000 Saugatuck, Mich............... Beossildd 2. Ke. PERU Daa CAE PRES EEN. 5,000 AN AP OR, QW Se, tenet lien ntici'ete! waster cbs oun ncure cde sahagldne cai de eae eee 7,000 Green: JBaly: WAG cas s-s.ie.a ges cin sesce genes dosent nies ae eee ee 25 ,000 ($5,000 to be expended on the Fox river below DePere.) Keenoslias Wisuesstssatecee cece eaeeWoeenceate ot ctvcssdsore taeeemedsarahee seen tore 15,0.0 Kewaunee ;AW iseids. disap cack dean teenie Pe sg ae 30,000 Manito wor, gists maniaticouitiet as teacteccke caie vecheeeete See liaise iaie nie ssietionwe Lebeaise 28,000 Molwankees Vis. nanponotmehiressss.cieeisie. 47 een ee - 75,600 - SMalWalkee, Wis: srt. ae reese tonccd: «icant coseeasus cerenee veedvescompaveaeete te. cae 14,000 *Port Washington, Wis........ Macc oeae dq tivesat tt csenaee ih matte: heme eee * 6,000 Racine, Waste schsiastinsia nas lodttoe utente ditaess. oiSea ae kaa ene ee 25,000 Superior and Sta Wouis Mays s Wisse, cosucce. ass cee ee ee eee 70,006 Sheboygan. Wass soccer nctaccsc casey cee eee eee ei eaemmaceiee 25,000 CASRN WAGt Oto, ci rc ica eee ae eee 45,000 Two Rivers, Wits eanuneul ws tatle 100 | rs Toy oet OTS 3,000 *Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wis., harbor of refuge. ..:.........c.cc0seessc..cc00e 5,000 Oconto; Wisin. 2 suosches een eee ae Sibaseh Ses den dieaiepiaidonisyaap tee ee ae mee aan ae 3,000 Pensaukee, Wis: Unexpended balance of former appropriation... *Duluthy « Minniaeseveew Gar eterno se mn sehdsat bow esd suets Sten ccaee ac Dee ee reer 125,000 Grassy point.) Grand Marais; Mant\.*5.)...0,.-ccvsscccusacestur te 10,000 UNG ae) nye MMT enseneeneg sees aan chit testes vette scweMmere neta ts cane Saginaw nimem Mich 54. stewids. setae tce tos, So aeetee wnat een ed 75000 ($5,000 of which is to be used on the west channel at Bay City and $35,000 above Bay City.) Rlack riven, (mouth) Mich ic -s.\.0. cise, score ae 10,000 *Clintontriver, Michi sha) [058.9 Alaa 2k oes 8 564 *RonigelmivienjeMicht 35. teat. otal avec: alse ies Diee teeny auc een canes ne 11,690 Detroitriver; Mich. trom) Wetroit downy 90 00. 30,000 Thunder Bay piven, Almena, Miche. 48). 4 ee 10,000 Black miver, Pont Huron, iMGh. ead 6 ee 10,000 "Sixteen foot channel, Keweenaw bay to Lake SUPOTIOn i syeces eee 50,000 Rouge myer, Mich -yatunain oy basins, one eee tase ee on 5,000 Menominee river, Wisconsin and Michigans istegsact. tea cnt si eee ee 20,500 For making free the Sturgeon bay and Lake Michigan ship-canal.... 81,833 For examination and survey of a canal, connecting Lake Superior : and) (he Niississijgpl mivers re, jscccit.. cinemas Oly aang ae 10,000 For survey and examination of location of ship canal from Lake Erie:tothe:Ohio, aiyens.:crarue cco ae ee 10,000 MOA: scconessesguysacvarsaangasenave seem eectneaeeiete: |. seen eae ee $2,941,799 Preliminary examinations are ordered at the following places: Ship canal from Toledo to Cincinnati, O.; Wolf river harbor, Lake Michigan; outer har- bor at mouth of Calumet river; Pine river, St. Clair, Mich.; Belle river, Marine City, Mich.; Hammond bay, Lake Huron, Mich. ; Sebewaing river Mich.; Dunkirk harbor, N. Y., aud Green Bay, Wis.