10 MARINE REVIEW. First and Largest in Navigation. The first whaleback steamship to make the voyage to Liverpool and back was the Charles W. Wetmore, in the summer of 1891. The first whaleback of any importance was the yacht Livadia, disigned by Admiral Popoff for the Emporer Alexander I. of Russia. She is 240 feet in length. The biggest steam ferryboat is the Cincinnati, built by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to ply between New York and Jersey City. The largest steam engine in the world is on the new Italian cruiser Sardegna. A force of 25,000 horse power is developed. The fastest ship in the United States navy, it is supposed, is the San Francisco, which on her trial on the Pacific coast maintained during a four hours' run a speed of 19.7 knots an hour. 'That was one-tenth of a knot in excess of the record of the Philadelphia. the maximum speed developed by the San Francisco was 20.06 knots an hour, which is equivalent to twen- ty-three land miles. One of the fastest voyages from China to New York was . made in the summer of 1890 by the steamship Glen Ogle of the Glen Line of Glasgow, which arrived from Amoy in forty-six days. The greatest fleet of passenger vessels owned by any one company is that. of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Naviga- tion Company. In the fleet there are seventy-two steamships of 199,270 tons and 189,000 horse power. 'The P. and O. steam- ships steamed 2,500,000 miles in 1890 without an accident. The biggest fore-and-aft schooner in the latest government list is the Golden Age 1,763 tons, built at Abbots Bridge, O., in 1883. 'The Governor Ames, built at Waldoboro, Me., in 1889, registers 1,689 tons. The largest floating elevator in the world was launched. on Jan. 14, 1892, in Brooklyn. Its tower rises 74 feet above its deck. : Norman J,. Munro's steam launch Norwood, with her rec- ord of a mile in 2:12 made on Nov. 7, 1891, may be considered 'the fastest boat afloat." ; The first steamboat to plow the Pacific along the coast of North America was the Hudson Bay Company's steamboat Beaver, which is to be exhibited at Chicago. 7 The first screw propeller on the great lakes was the Vanda- lia. Her machinery was built in Auburn prison, New York. | The first steam vessel across the Atlantic Ocean was the Savannah, which crossed from Savannah, Ga., to Liverpool in 1819. The first steam vessels to reach New York from Great Britian were the Sirius and the Great Western. 'The Sirius a ship of 700 tons, sailed from Cork April 4, 1838, and the Great Western, 1,340 tons, left Bristol three days later. - They arrived on April 23, the Sirius in the morning and the Great Western in -- the afternoon. The greatest steam vessel ever built, in size, was the Great Eastern, which was 692 feet in length and 83 feet in breadth. The Teutonic is 582 feet in length. . The largest turret ship in the world, perhaps the largest battle ship in existance, is the British battle ship Hood, which was launched at Chatham, on July 30, 1891. The Hood has a displacement of 14,150 tons. The largest American war ship is the harbor defense vessel Miantonomoh. 'The finest war ship in the French navy is the Brennus, which was launched early in Otober 1891. Her displacement is 11,000 tons.--New York Sun. SS ae ee Bids for the construction of the new dry dock. at the New York navy yard will be opened July 12. When completed it will be the largest dock in this country. It will be 625 feet long on the outside, 154 feet wide at the top, 64 feet wide at the bottom, and 28 ft. deep. The foundation piers must be driven 45 feet below the bottom of the dock. A bed of concrete not less than 2 feet thick will cover the heads of the piles. The dock floor will be laid on stringers of yellow pirie, secured to the foundation piles by bolts driven in the center of the piles. The dock will be closed with a steel floating gate or caisson. The caisson will be 108 feet in length at the top and 71 feet long at the bottom, 25 feet in breadth and 35 feet in height. 'The dock pumps will have a capacity to discharge 3,000 gallons of water per minute. It will take in the largest vessels in the navy, and will be an important addition to the yard. NITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, 34 [ West Congress street, Detroit, Mich., June 2, 1892. Sealed proposals in triplicate, for fur- nishing all plane materials and labor, and exca- vating in St. Mary's Falls Canal, Michigan, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock, p.m.,, July 2.1892, and then publicly opened. refer- ence will be given to plant and materials of do- mestic production or manufacture, conditions of quality and price (import duties included) being equal. Attention is invited to acts of Congress, approved Feb. 26, 1885, and Feb. 23, 1887, vol. 23, page 332, and vol. 24, page 414, s'atutes at large. he government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or to waive any informalities in the bids received; also, to award the contract upon other considerations than the price. For further information apply at this office, or at the United States Ene nee Office, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. O. M. POE, Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Byt. Brig. Gen., U.S. A. Northern Steamship Co. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE. Finest Equipped Fleet on the Lakes. A-! in Every Particular. Northern Light, Northern King, North Wind. Northern Wave, Northern Queen, North Star. _ Capacity. 2,500 Tons Each. No stops between Cleveland and Duluth and West Superior. _ Bear in mind, in making shipments to St. Paul, Minneapolis and the Northwest, that this Company affords facilities superior to any other line. Warehouse and Dock, 43-61 RIVER ST. Cc. H. TUCKER, Cen'! Agt. W. D. RANDALL & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF -- ------$" ----S S57n =e: SS = SS SS = VESSEL AND STEAM BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. 1307 to 1315 Quimby Ave., CLEVELAND, O. Tel. 664. a el coe