MARINE Atlas Engineering Co., Limited, of BOSTON, MASS., Civil aud Mechanical Bneineers and: Architects AND DESICNERS OF Docks, Warehouses and Mills, Freight and Pass- enger Stations, Industrial Buildings of every description and.Special Structures. Superin- tendents Construction. Estimates Furnished. Electric Light and Power Plants. Electric Broad and Narrow Guage Railroads. High Grade of Efficiency. Permanent Electrical Wring. %@"CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. kee" Work Undertaken in ANY Part of America. Office, 258 Washington St., BOSTON. P.O. Address, 3492 (P.O.Box), Boston,Mass. McBEAN, EDGE & Co., DCAMDOal oieét Lon, Tin and Copper Workers, -- MANUFACTURERS OF -- no be With'patent lenses, fluted or cgrrugated, with corrugations inside or out. STEEL RANGES for Steamboats:* Hotels. HEAD LIGHTS, ENCINEERS' SUPPLIES, Anchor and Binnacle Lamps; Square, Triangle and Canalboat Head-Lights; Torches, Coal Oil Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Wicks, Sc. Telephone 803. 33 Main St. BUFFALO, N.Y. ~ SAM OODHOUSE, (Successor to Ohio Chain Co.) Manufacturer of Crane, Cable, Dredge and Crown Proof COIL CHAINS, SAFETY CHAINS - ann COAL MINE CHAINS MADE TO ORDER. fa Chains of Every Description Made to Fit any Wheel or. Machine. First Premium, Siver Medal, awarded at Northern Ohio Fairs ; of 1870, 1872 and 1873. The MARINE REVIEW and the MARINE ENGINEER, London, one year for $4. Write the MARINE REVIEW. Exhaust Returned to Boiler. Steam Valves Actuated by Direct STRONG, CARLISLE & TURNEY, Cleveland, 0. SMALLEY BROS. & CO., Ba MARSH STEAM PUNP, Absolute Actuation and Regulation Without Use of Tappets, Levers or other Mechanical Connections. FOR MARINE AND STATIONARY BOILERS. Smaller Sizes With or Without Hand Pumping Attachment. Heats Feed Water Forty to Fifty Degrees, accord- ing to tests made by Prof. M. E. Cooley, of the University of Michigan. oiler Pressure. Has Fewer Wearing Parts than ANY OTHER Steam Pump. For Circulars and Prices, address DETROIT SHEET METAL & BRASS WORKS, Detroit, Mich. City, Mich. l Cor BATTLE CREEK MACHINERY CO., Manufacturers, Battle Creek, Mich. REVIEW. 13 "It does its work" BURTON'S 2 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. [2 ger aa eae By This cut shoéws the valve designed for marine purposes. The lever is for the purpose of forcing valve open if it should become dirty. SO WX In use on twenty of the finest steel steamers. For price list and letters telling how it works after two years' use, write Cc. H. BURTON, Main and Center Streets, CLEVELAND, 0. a i. Ne Z C SS Send 75 cents to the MARINE REVIEW for a binder that will hold 52 numbers Mo. 4 BECK NUGOHD. Sterile, Gear TUG PATTERN Floor Space 18x36 In, Changed from steam to hand gear instantly. Rudder moved hard-over, through one o more turns of wheel as desired. Is self-locking. Will cuchion any blow on rudder and re- turn to position automatically All gears are machine cut. Position of Rudder shown by Indicator at all times. PAWAING &@ HARMISCHPEGER, BUILDERS OF Beck Duplex Feed Engines, Steam Steering Gears and Hoist- ing Engines, Electric, Steam and Hand Cranes, Special Machinery and Tools. 156-100 Clinton $t.Milwaubee, Wis, Insurance Go. of North America. INCORPORATED 1794. LAKE MARINE DEPARTMENT, GEO. L. McCURDY, Manager, Chicago, Ill. CHARLES PLATT, President. WittiAm A. Puarr, Vice-President. EuGENE L. Evuison, 2d Vice-Pres't. GRevILLE E. Fryer, Sec'y & Treas. JoHN H. Arwoop, Assistant Secretary. Capital, paid up in cash.......... ......:.: eee $3,000 000.00 ARCOLA rane pe ne es as Moda ids 9,278,220.00 Forrest's Silver Browge Packing, Applied to any stuffing box, without disconnecting. Steam, air and water tight without the aid soft packing, under the highest steam pressure and piston velocity, automatic, admits of excessive vibration, lashing and crowding of the rod, does not bind, economical, guaran- teed to outlast all other packings. Used by the largest irep works, steamships and electric light companies for years all over the world. References. Agents wanted everywhere. Acdress, 115 Liberty Street, New York City. THE O'CONNELL GREASER, During the past three years hundreds of ma- rine engines of from 2,000 to 4,000 h. p. have been served, as well as high speed electric light en- gines. RESULTS: Sure control of Crank Pin Stoppage of Lard Oil account. Perfectly clean Engine 0'Connell & Cahill, Manistee, Mich. Dark lines indicate ap- paratus. STANNARD & DILLON, Chicago Ill. H. P. TOBEY, Toledo, 0. CARLETON & COLE, Port Huron, Mich.