MARINE REVIEW. NE ENGINES, Aa SERVE'S PATENT Ribbed Boiler and Stay Tubes Show an average economy in fuel of 15 per cent. In steamers, this means not only so much saving in cost of coal, but additional freight capacity. kes" Full particulars on application. ee ee eee ee gl) Purves' Patent Ribbed Boiler Furnace Flues. 7 Nearly 10,000 Purves' Patent Ribbed Furnace Flues, of which this cut is a section, are in use in Marine Boilers. Besides having greater strength to resist collapse than any other furnace made, they possess many additional advantages which we shall be happy to enumerate on application. Ww NOE OIE CHARLES W. WHITNEY, Representing Messrs. JOHN WILLIAMS & Co.,Liverpool, Sole Agent for the United States and Canada. 81 & 83 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. BOILER TUBES, i: " 93'Liberty St. | 113 Federal St. * A "/ NEWYORK. | BOSTON. waa MAGHIMERY | "cs cmmToc THE CONDIT FULLER Co. BAR IRON, SHEET IRON, PLATE IRON, PIC IRON, BOILER RIVETS, GAS PIPE, BOAT SPIKES, CLEVELAND, O. isso. Sp, EF, PENN RICH, _ 802. Manufacturer of a!] Grades of MATTRESSES, PILLOWS & BEDDING, MARINE AND HOTEL WORK A SPECIALTY. Nos. 512to516 Lorain St., CLEVELAND, O. Send for New Ilustrated PLATE STEEL, CLINCH RINCS, STEEL NAILS. Telephone 1691. THe INCANDESCENT LIGHT Is the only safe means of illuminating Passenger, Freight or Excursion Steamers. All other illuminants are dangerous. The Fisher system is Automatic in its operation, perfect in every de- tail, and does not require a skilled expert. FISHER ELECTRIC CO. 183,185 & 187 Larned St., DETROIT, MICH. TRADE MARK BRANDS ALSO FOR SALE ------ BZ ---- MARINE VALVE OIL For Cylinder Lubrication is used in 90 per cent. of the large steam- ers on the great chain of lakes. SraNDARD Orn Company, No.5 Wabash Ave., Chicago, III.' S s ef Racine. Wis. Broadway & Mason, Milwaukee, Wis. Sheboygan, Wis. Manitowoc, Wis. Green Bay, Wis. a al (I? oe Marinette, Wis. ES " - Oshkosh, Wis. ----IN STOCK AT -- a f sé Duluth, Minn. sf ss West Superior, Wis. J 1 i es es Hancock, Mich. Standard Oil Company's Marine Depo "Maruti, Mich J cf UG Bs Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Ee ce Michigan Central Railway & 10th St., 123 River St., CLEVELAND, O. West Bay City, Mich. oo be ss Eighth & Sears Sts., Saginaw, Mich. Telephone 77. Main Office Telephone 682. oe ce ss 46 Jefferson Detroit, Mich. " Summit & Monroe Sts., Toledo, O. Acme Ou. Company, French & 16th Sts., Erie, Pa. Marine Valve. Mineral Seal. Eldorado Engine. Renown a} Hor Henao? Dark Lubricating. Crank Case Oil. Light Plants. Victor Signal. Lard Oils. "IMluminating Oils. Arctic Cup Greases. Srar Oi, Company, 17 & 19 Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y. A. H. McGonractt, South Chicago, D. Rogerson, Port Huron, Mich. 3aByY & DALE, St. Clair, Mich. Marine Supr.y Co., Fairport, O. W.S. McKisnon, Ashtabula Harbor, O. N. C. Auten, Lorain, O. F, Kranz, Sandusky, O.