8 MARINE REVIEW. A schooner westward bound in Long Island sound ported and went to the northward for the purpose of coming to anchor. A steamer was coming up astern and overtaking the schooner. The latter at the time she ported was 400 or 500 yards distant from the steamer, nearly ahead, and not over one and one-half points on the latter's port bow. Not recognizing the intention of the schooner to anchor, the steamer also ported and the vessels came into collision within the anchorage ground and outside the steamer's ordinary course. Judge Brown of the United States district court, New York city, held that the porting of the schooner presented no difficulty to the steamer, had she been properly observed and timely measures taken to go astern and that the steamer was solely in fault. A New York harbor tug worth $15,000 was a short time ago awarded salvage to the amount of $750, for picking up five scows worth $30,000 which had negligentiy got adrift in Harlem river. 'The court held that when a vessel has gone adrift through negligence and is drifting toward other vessels, which she is like- ly to injure, the saving of her owners from liability to pay any such damage as was likely to arise, and which the owners would be called on to pay, should be taken into account in determining the amount of salvage award. Where repairs are ordered by a shipmaster, who is also one of three equal part owners of a vessel, without, the knowledge of the other owners, the master is liable for the whole debt and the other two owners are each liable for one-third of it, under the act of June 26, 1884, section 18. In a case heard in the United States district court, New York.city, Judge Brown found occasion to hold that towage ser- vices are presumptively a lien on the vessel and in case of a dis-° pute it devolves upon the owner of the vessel to show circum- stances that would render negative a claim upon the vessel. A maritime lien for damages arising from collision takes precedence of the lien for seamen's wages accruing prior to the collision. Wrecks and Heavy Losses. Another Lake Michigan steamer, the A. EK. Wilds, can be placed among the total losses of the present season. She was sunk, Sunday night, seventeen miles off Milwaukee in collision with the steamer Douglass of the McElroy Transportation Com- pany, Milwaukee. 'The Wilds was owned by her commander, Capt. B. Wilds of Chicago. She rated A1™%, registered 236 tons and had a Lloyds valuation of $23,000. What is it You Want to Know? For Furry Cents--Information from Washington City on any subject--Proposals, Contracts, Awards, Patents, marks, Copyrights, Claims Apppointments, New Bills or ) 'Trade- Pensions, Decisions, 'Treaties, Matters Legislative, Political, In- dustrial, Financial, Scientific, Agricultural, Literary, Educa- tional, Etc., endorsed by Congressmen, who yearly become less able to meet constituents' requests for information. Absolute reliability. Try us once. PRESS, WASHINGTON, D. C. No Delays. ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIAL The statement that the Canadian government had reduced the dry dock rates was premature. not been made officially. Such an announcement has STEAMER CITY OF DETROIT daily at 8:30 a.m. to PUT-IN-BAY and RETURN $1.00. Meals,Refreshments. Brass and String Music. Evening Lake Rides every Monday and Satur- day, 8 P.M., from Superior Street Wharf. SATURDAY NIGHT EXCURSIONS TO DETROIT, NITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE, 34 West Congress street, Detroit, Mich., June 2, 1892. Sealed proposals in triplicate, for fur- nishing all plano materials and labor, and exca- vating in St. Mary's Falls Canal, Michigan, will be received at this office until 2 o'clock, p. ™., July 2. 1892, and then publicly opened. refer- ence will be given to plant and materials of do- mestic production or manufacture, conditions ot quality and price (import duties included) being equal. Attention is invited to acts of Congress, approved Feb. 26, 1885, and Feb. 23, 1887, vol. 23, age 332, and vol. 24, page 414, statutes at large. The government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, orto waive any informalities in A. A. SHantz, G. P. A the bids received; also, to award the contract From June 5 to October 1, upon other considerations than the price. For Giving a Full Day in that Beautiful City./further information apply at this office, or at the Fare $2.25 Round Trip. United States Engineer Office, Sault Ste. Marie, Wharf 23 River St., 10 P.M Mich. O. M. POE. Colonel, Corps of Engineers, / eu Newman, q. A.|Bvt. Brig. Gen., U.S.A. HK. P. Howxtt, City Pass. Agt. Northern Steamship Co. CREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE. Finest Equipped Fleet on the Lakes. A-! in Every Particular. Northern Light, Northern King, North Wind. Northern Wave, Northern Queen, North Star. Capacity. 2,500 Tons Each. No stops between Cleveland and Duluth and West Superior. _ Bear in mind, in making shipments to St. Paul, Minneapolis and the Northwest, that this Company affords facilities superior to any other line, Warehouse and Dock, 43-61 RIVER ST. Cc. H. TUCKER, Cen'! Agt. MANUFACTURERS OF W.D. RANDALL & SON, SSS SSS ES EE-- EE Tel. 664. {1307 to 1315 Quimby Ave., CLEVELAND, O.