MARINE REVIEW. 17 WASHBURN & MOEN MFG. CO. Makers of Iron, Steel and Copper, : Manufacturers of IRon, STEEL anpD CopPER WIRE for all Purposes. WF aes sled Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for Ship's Rigging. Tiller Rope. Switch Rope. Copper, Iron and Tinned Sash Cords. Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel Wire Rope for Yacht's Rigging. Sei oa LIN Galvanized Steel Cables for Suspension Bridges. Standard Copper Cable and Copper Wire Rope. Transmission and Standing Rope. Wire Clothes Lines and Picture Cords. Hoisting Rope. ANS eee And all the Fixtuees and Appliances required for use with the foregoing. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. GROVE ST., WORCESTER, MAss. FACTORIES AND ROLLING MILLS :+ QUINSIGAMOND, MASS. (near Worcester.) WAUKEGAN, ILL. (near Chicago.) New YORK, PHILADELPHIA, OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES : < PITTSBURGH, SAN FRANCISCO, ; CHICAGO, WORCESTER, MASs. | send 25 cents in stamps to Wiarine Review for Photo-Gravures of Virginia, City of Detroit and Wadena. LAKE ERIK BOILER WORKS. The Best Equip- = ped plant in America for the manufact- ure of modern Marine Boil- 4 ers. o--- BUFFALO,N.Y. eae eee A DECK HOIST IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION With Boiler and Steam Pump, Complete. WILL SELL CHEAP. CONTINENTAL MACHINE CO., Elm and Hemlock Streets, CLEVELAND, 0. JOHNSTON BROTHERS, Ferrvsburge Steam Boiler Works, ' FERRYSBURC, MICH. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To. CHEAP BOOKS. Nee NCH 'y Key to Engineering......... ses th) 25 CG : Ps Common Sense in Making =, Sp Steams. ea WERE 5g ae 0 25 i VP 11 | Seem on 10605) = : () Kedge Anchor, bound in cloth 2 50 Roper's Hand-Book of Marine A Lt Lil pt ike per' NE2-& "HOISTING SUITS Ga eee oer ENGINES WITH VERTICAL-OR: HORIZONTAL If you want any of these buoks =STEEL BOILERS» SEND FOR CATALOGUE enclose money aud address tu RICE & WHITACRE MFG.CO- CHICAGO. aRMaans a hmrnan tact i ie Cc. EH. McCuUTCHEION, (Successor to SAMUI McCU DCILLEoOW -) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. i sass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and oe iingell Sapelics Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &c., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Telephone No. 68. No. 18 Orio Street BUFFALO, N.Y. me fe i. iS Sa te OOF: ERIE, PA., ----MANUFACTURERS OF THE---- KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the Best Rubber Valves made. t@"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY" ($5) TO THE "MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. PHOENIX IRON WORKS --MANUFACTURERS OF-- Modern Marine Engines:Boilers 1223 to 1231 Fourth St., PORT HURON, MICH. Resdonc, roe, _peclal Attention Given to Repairs, DULUTH DIRECTORY. thE CEy bE ikon COMPANY OFFICE AND WORKS: 302, 304, 306 & 308 Lake Avenue, South, DULUTH, MINN. Rm, A, VWEBSTER, Supt. Machinists, Foundrymen, Blacksmiths and Steam Fitters. Special attention given Marine Work. Ship Chandlery & Mill Supplies, Packings, Waste, Oils, Greases, Boiler Purgers, ete. MANISTEE IRON WORKS CO. Manistee, Mich., MANUFACTURERS OF Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers. Triple Expansion, Fore and Aft, and Steeple Compound | Engines, and High Pressure Engines, -General Mill Machinery and Salt Well Outfits. JINO. Is. TACK SON Builder of DUPLEX HOISTING AND DECK ENGINES. Completely under control of throt- tle, reverse without link, stopped started or reversed instantly, will hold load without brake. we These Engines can be arranged for Driving Rolls and many other purposes. PLAIN, FINISHED and AUTOMATIC ENCINES, From Heavy Patterns at Moderate Prices, Vertical, Horizontal, Marine and Locomotive BOILERS, = Strictly First-Class & Highest Test. = Saginaw, Mich. -- | Send for Circulars and Prices, Telephone Nos.