THE LAKES a -- -- * aaa = a ---- SSF ------ oe eae Steamer Monohansett, rebuilt by Capt. James Dawson of West Bay. City and supplied with new engines and _ boilers, is ready to resume service. Mr. Stewart Murray, formerly agent for the Lehigh Line at Chicago, has been appointed agent of the Northern Steam- ship Line at Minneapolis. On her last trip the steel steamer Emily P. Weed, built by F. W. Wheeler & Co. of West Bay City, carried 153,000 bush- els of oats from Chicago to Buffalo. James Jackson, mate of the steamer Tioga for three seasons, succeeds Capt. John Clossey as master of the New Vork. Capt. -Clossey has been assigned to the Nyack. City of Venice, City of Genoa and City of Naples are the names assigned by Capt. James Davidson to the three boats _ just added to his wooden fleet of six big steamers. C.F. Bieleman is the name given to the wooden steamer be- ing built at West Bay City by F. W. Wheeler & Co. for A. E. Stewart, C. F. Bieleman and others. She is nearing comple- tion. The captain, engineer and crew of the steam yacht Say When passed resolutions of respect on the death of William Boppel, brother shipmate. 'The resolutions were put on the yacht's log. Owners of the steamer Kalamazoo, sunk in Lake Michigan by the steamer Pilgrim a month ago, have purchased the steam- er Saugatuck and will run her between Saugatuck and Mil- waukee. On an average draft of 14 feet 5 inches the new whaleback _steamer Thomas Wilson a few days ago delivered at South Chi- cago from Lake Superior a cargo of ore aggregating a trifle less than 3,000 net tons. The whaleback steamer Thomas Wilson carrying 2,800 tons of coal was unloaded at the Lehigh dock, Superior, recent- ly in a little less than twelve hours, or at the rate of about sixty . tons per hatch per hour. In raising the steamer Progress from the Detroit river the Murphy Wrecking Company will use casks, after the method adopted in raising the Kasota. The Progress is to be delivered in Detroit within fifty days. On her last trip down from Escanaba the wooden steamer Iroquois, although of only ordinary dimensions, carried 2,344 gross tons of ore on a draft of 15 feet ro inches. She immedi- ately loaded 2,600 tons of coal for Milwaukee. If the $20,000 award of United States Judge Deady in the salvage case of the steamer Zambesi against the whaleback W. L. Wetmore is sustained, it will be divided as follows: Crew $5,000, master $5,000, mate $1,000, pilot $2,000, Zambesi $7,000. ie W. H. Boyd. who had been up to a short time ago connec- ted with shipping offices in Detroit and Buffalo, has opened a secret service detective bureau in Detroit with an office at gor Hammond building. He proposes to organize men for the pro- tection of property in strikes of all kinds. Senator McMillan on Monday secured the passage by the senate of the bill which has already passed the house for the ap- propriation of $15,000 for the establishment of weather bureau stations on Middle and Thunder Bay islands, Lake Huron, and for the establishment of telegraphic communication between Al- pena and the islands. A cargo of 3,or8 gross tons of iron ore was brought down from Escanaba by the Menominee steamer Roman on her last trip, the boat's average draft being 16 feet 6 inches. She passed down the rivers without difficulty of any kind and went into. Fairport without a tug. 'Mhis is the largest cargo as yet carried by any of the Menominee steamers. It will be three weeks or more before the whaleback steam- er Pathfinder, owned by Samuel Mather and others of Cleveland MARINE REVIEW. as : tt and launched on Saturday last by the American Steel Barge Company, goes into commission. Work on this boat and her consort the Sagamore, has been very much delayed, but they will cut an important figure as big ore carriers when completed. The steamer is 340 feet long and 42 feet beam. Capt. Thomas Collins, pioneer of St. Lawrence river navi- gation, died at his home in Clayton, N. Y., last week of paraly- sis. He was born in Oswego seventy-nine years ago. In 1839 he sailed the Henry Cleveland into Chicago with the first load of stone for piers at that port. Announcement is also made from Oswego of the death of Charles Allison, who had been connected with the old Northern Transportation Company in Cleveland, Oswego and other lake ports as early: as 1852. At -- the time of his death he was the head of the firm of Allison, Stroup & Co., with offices in both New Vork City and Boston. Canadian vessel owners have been trying to secure a reduc- tion in dock charges at the new government dock in Kingston. Charges on large vessels are very much higher than at docks conducted by private corporations in United States ports. One 'of the officials of the Canadian public works department gives out the startling declaration "that it was in order to accommo- date these heavy vessels, that the dock was built upon such a large and expensive scale, and it is only fair that such craft should bear a proportionate share of the outlay." With the ten- dency everywhere to encourage the construction of vessels of large capacity, this is certainly strange reasoning. In the month of June the steamer Pontiac made six round trips between Marquette and Lake Erie ports carrying 2,450 gross tons of ore toa trip. One of these trips was made in 4 days and 22 hours, including time of loading and unloading cargo. The Pontiac's cargoes willcertainly compare very favor- ably with any of the big loads from Lake Superior and her time is wonderful. The new boats of the Cleveland-Cliffs Company are also starting out very well. 'The Pioneer, built for the pig iron trade, carried 100 tons more than was expected of her on her first trip with iron ore. Although guaranteed to make only 13 miles an hour loaded and 15 miles light, her trials of speed have shown that she will greatly exceed these figures. The Cadillac, built by the Chicago Ship Building Company, has just delivered a cargo of 1,975 gross tons from Lake Superior. | She is only 235 feet long and 37 feet beam and was built at a cost of little more than half that of some of the big steel ore carriers. It is claimed that she will make a round trip to Lake Superior on sixty tons of fuel. . They Were Named Chicago. To those who believe in the influence of the name upon the luck of a vessel, the fate of the two Liverpool steamers which have borne the name of the city on Lake Michigan will be an_ interesting comparison and a strong argument in support of their theory. The Guion Line steamer Chicago was lost on Jan. 12, 1868, on her homeward voyage from New York, having gone | ashore within a few miles of the Old Head of Kinsale, at 5 -- o'clock in the afternoon during a heavy fog. She was a fine vessel of 3,000 tons,only launched fifteen months previously,and built like all the other early vessels of that line, of which she was the second, at Palmer's on the Tyne. All hands, the pas- sengers and baggage as well as the mails and specie, were safely landed, but after three days on the rock she parted amidships and became a total wreck. It will be seen that the circumstan- ces attending this disaster and the loss of the Inman and Inter- national Company's steamer City of Chicago a few days ago were practically identical, and the positions in which they oc- curred are close together.--Fairplay, London. Wrought fron versus Steel Tubes for Boilers. Mr. A. Blechynden of Barrow-in-Furness, England, has published an account of some very interesting experiments which he undertook with a view to ascertaining the relative ex- cellence of wrought iron and steel in the manufacture of non- leaking boiler tubes. He used tubes of Siemens-Martin steel and Scotch BB brand of wrought iron in his experiments. The general result was that after several successive heatings in a furnace and coolings in water the iron tubes were found to have contracted less than the steel tubes and that the steel tubes were © much looser in their sockets than the iron tubes. His argument is therefore that wrought iron is more suitable for boiler tubes than steel, especially in high pressure boilers. fia@="Send 75 cents to the Marine Reyiew for a binder that will hold 52 numbers,