MARINE REVIEW. 17 WASHBURN & MOEN MFG. CO., Makers of Iron, Steel and Copper, Manufacturers of IRON, STEEL aND COPPER WIRE for all Purposes. Wy ewes ESO, LAN Soar Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for Galvanized Steel Cables for Ship's Rigging. Suspension Bridges. Tiller Rope. Switch Rope. Standard Copper Cable and Copper Copper, Iron and Tinned Sash Wire Rope. ee Ti. aeaete Cords. i ---- == = : Transmission and Standing Rope. As x . 1 Gary = ae - =< = SS = . . . Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel ------ ---- = SS Wire Clottes Lines and Picture z SS SSS sss Wire Rope for Yacht's Rigging. Cords.. Hoisting Rope. And all the Fixtuees and Appliances required for use with the foregoing. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. a GROVE ST., WORCESTER, MASs. NEw YORK, PHILADELPHIA, FACTORIES AND ROLLING MILLS :~ QUINSIG AMOND, MAss. (near Worcester =) OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES: ~ PITTSBURGH, SAN F RANCISUO, | WAUKEGAN, ILL. (near Chicago.) CHICAGO, WORCESTER, Mass. Send 50 cents in stamps to Marine Review for 10 Photo-Types of Lake Steamers. jy ce oe SAT... ke"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY' ($5) TO THE " MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. MARY E, PIERCE, a SS Sse 45 feet long, 15 feet eer aoa boiler 43 by 9 feet P . O NI iX | RO Fd WO re KS Write HAND & JOHNSC?:, Foot of Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. --MANUFACTURERS OF-- JOHNSTON BROTHERS, 'Modern Marine Engines:Boilers. Bee eeuts Steal Boiler Works, - {223 to 1231 Fourth St., PORT HURON, MICH. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, | reepnone nos. { Qe 5 Special Attention Given to Repairs, Resid : Tanks and Sheet Iron Work: SohOE Geis oe REPAIRS SSG b a euE ta r= 3 . RULUTH DIRECTORY. a KRIEBEL' STEAM ENGINES. ret ara treamame en THE CLYDE IRON COMPANY, Common Sense in Making : OFFICE AND WORKS: 302, 304, 306 & 308 Lake Avenue, South, DULUTI, MINN. DS T@Rea pee. 0h... sense aderergeete nc 0 25 R, A, WEBSTER, supt, Kedge Anchor, bound in cloth 2 50 Roper's Haud- Book of Marine WIMGUMe Sis. fees ee es ER 3 00 ENGINES WITH ane re reraisiedeinny ie If you want any of these bi colee enclose money aud address tu > a | CER WH taney MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne To ww [= a JACEK SON Bidg., CLEVELAND, 0. Builder of DUPLEX HOISTING CC. Ea McCUTrcHmeon AND DECK ENGINES. Completely under control of throt- (Successor to SAMUS McOCU DCELEO -) : = tle, reverse without link, stopped a : starte d or reversed instantly, will Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, rane f af} hold load without brake. Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. Us rm: i ibses enulues can be abaned for All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Cou apes &e. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and purposes. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &e. eee Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Se PLAIN, FINISHED and AUTOMATIC Machinists. Foundrymen, Blacksmiths and Steam Fitters. Special attention given Marine Work. Ship Chi undlery & Mill Supplies, Packin s, Waste, Oils, Greases, Boiler Pu: gers, etc. Telephone No. 68. No. {8 Ohio Street BUFFALO, N.Y. ENCINES, From Heavy Patterns at Moderate 3 Prices. =a -- pe 4 aS WT 5 = esa =e Co Se 9 Vertical, raneontaly Marine and BRI, PA., ocomotive ____ MANUFACTURERS OF THE---- BOILERS, "Strictly First-Class & Highest Test. Saginaw, Mich. Send for Circulars and Prices. KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the Best Rubber Valves made. ae "The man whoknows so much about his Hroteeston that he cannot learn something about it by reading alttPstudy, has a Very small profession or a very large craniuin." Martine and Mechanical | piterature and Periodicals. ed cd ooo te 52 52 Per Year, Nautical Dictionary, (Patterson).........ccseceeeeeeseeeeeeee tena ceases ee cesta eeteceeceeenes $ 5 00 Nautical Dictionary and Marine Review.......:.tecseeseeeesceeeee ceseetertacssesesesesees 6 OO Engineering, (London), Weekly.......css:esscececeeeeeeee sete eeee ee eect neeeee cnt IO 00 Engineering, (London), Weekly and Marine Review..-.-....s.ssee seers eter treet IO 0O The Engineer, (New York), Semi Monthly.....-..s-:.ssseseeeeeeeeereetereeeeee teteees 2 00 The Engineer, (New York), and Marine Review.....-.-sss-seeeeeseeeeeteeees teeters 3 80 Engineering, (New York), Monthly Magazine... . ..secssseseeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeees 3 00 Engineering, (New York) and Marine Review.. .------:1essssseeseeeesceeeeneetneees 2 00 Emerson Binder, (that will hold 52 Nos. of the Marine Review).......++-:+.2+0+ WESTERN OFFICE, A ARI Al E REV | EW, ee caeaco | 510 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0. CHICACO, ILL.