MARINE REVIEW. 21 WASHBURN & MOEN MFG. CO., Makers of Iron, Steel and Copper, Manufacturers of IRON, STEEL aND COPPER WIRE for all Purposes. VA Eee Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for Ship's Rigging. Tiller Rope. Switch Rope, Copper, Iron and Tinned Sash Cords. ue Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel '" Wire Rope for Yacht's Rigging. (= ee a eS SS se Galvanized Steel Cables for Suspension Bridges. Standard Copper Cable and-Copper SSS S=S>= = Wire Rope. 2S SSS Transmission and Standing Rope = SSSSSSESESSS nsmission ¢ anding Rope. SSS : : SSS SS Wire Clothes Lines and Picture Cords.. Hoisting Rope. And all the Fixtuees and Appliances required for use with the foregoing. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. GROVE ST., WORCESTER, MASS. FACTORIES AND ROLLING MILLS :~ (JUINSIGAMOND, MASS. (near Worcester.) WAUKEGAN, ILL. (near Chicago.) NEw YORK, PHILADELPHIA, OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES : ~ PITTSBURGH, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO, WORCESTER, MASS. Send 50 cents in stamps to Marine Review for 10 Photo-Types of Lake Steamers. TUG FOR SATLsEB.. MARY E. PIERCE, 45 feet long, 13 feet beam, engine 13 x 15 inches, boiler 43 by 9 feet allowed 130 pounds. Write HAND & JOHNSON, Foot of Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. JOHNSTON BROTHERS, Ferrvsbure Steam Boiler Works, FERRYSBURC, MICH. Marine, Locomotive and Stationary Boilers, Tanks and Sheet Iron Work. REPAIRS PROMEPILYT ATTENDED To. anil N ae peneeh BOOKS: 2 Mi Common Sense in Making Steal ett csni arena ces i fi i Kedge Anchor, bound in cloth 2 50 aN s a Tassie Roper's Hand-Book of Marine STATIONARY .. & HOISTING HMMS IWOS eo. eteeceese ote sedeseeeesss ENGINES WITH VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL If you want any of these books STEEL BOILERS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE enclose money and addressto ' aA CITP NGM RAGHRORECIIGAGON | MARINE REVIEW. 516 Ferry-Payne Cc. Ek. McCuUuUTCHEON, Bidg., CLEVELAND, O. (Successor to SAMUS: McCUTCELEOW -) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &e., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Telephone No. 68. No. 18 Obrio Street BUFFALO, N. Y. ERIE RUBBER Co., | ERIN, PA., ----MANUFACTURERS OF THE---- KEYSTONE MARINE VALVE. These RED, AIR AND FOOT VALVES, are the Best Rubber Valwes made. "The man whoknows so much about his profession that he cannot lea ke"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR ' PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY" ($5) TO THE 'MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. PHOENIX IRON WORKS --MANUFACTURERS OF-- Modern Marine Engines:Boilers [223 to 1231 Fourth St., PORT HURON, MICH. Bee Npecial Attention Given to Repairs, DULUTH DIRECTORY. tie Cry DE, ION COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS: 302, 304, 306 & 308 Lake Avenue, South, DULUTH, MINN. mR. A, WEBSTER, Supt. ' Machinists, Foundrymen, Blacksmiths and Steam Fitters. Special attention given Marine Work. Ship Chandlery & Mill Supplies, Packings, Waste, Oils, Greases, Boiler Purgers, etc. Why Pay Fancy Prices tor Valves With rubber or asbestos disks, because you are disgusted with the cheap trade valve ? No composition is as good for steam as gun metal; therefore why pay more for an inferior article ? Investigate LUNKENHEIMER'S PATENTED REGRINDING VALVES. When worn can be made good as new by regrind- ing or the disk replaced. Warranted to outlast two of any other make. As a proof of their superiority, are extensively used on Locomotives, Steamships and in the U. 8S. Navy on Cruisers. Every genuine valve has a direction tag attached and "LUNKENHEIMER"' and "(S)" cast in the valve-shell and fully warranted. For-sale by dealers, or write, The Lunkenheimer Brass Mfg. Co. CINCINNATI, O., U.S.A. Our Catalogue of Superior Steam Specialties, such as Valves, Sight Feed Lubricators, Glass Oiland Grease Cups, Etc., will interest you. Write for one. Mention this paper. Cleveland Agents, THE McINTOSH-HUNTINGTON CO., or write THE LUNKENHEIMER BRASS MFG. CO. Telephone Nos. LUNKENHEIMER'S RECRINDING GLOBE VALVE. F1G., 200, SECTIONAL. rn something about it by reading and study, has a very small profession or a very large cranium." Matine and Mechanical | piterature and Periodicals. ve eee ane Per Year. Nautical Dictionary, (Patterson) :..-.2-<-+--4.0-d-ceees tone ececeescccb re vaercce ere conse tres re SOO Nautical Dictionary and Marine Review....---+-+1s++serrerseeene ee AN edi ons 6 00 Engineering, (London), Weekly......+.----+:+1s- 00% se yeee cesses eeteeeaeenetentestasen sree: IO 00 Engineering, (London), Weekly and Marine REVIOW Lote ees NG Bees ce ence vosn eae' IO OO The Engineer, (New York), Semi Month y..te- cesses ceeese steve setesreesesene eeesees 2 00 The Engineer, (New York), and Marine Review.....-.----:..seeseeesserrersns se seeees 3 80 Engineering, (New York), Monthly Magazine... 0. cseseereeseeeees eeeeeeree sreseeene 3,00 Engineering, (New York) and Marine Revie Wie | den teers tates tan cmee ene ecmn aio 4 00 WESTERN OFFICE, 210 So. Water St., CHICACO, ILL. Emerson Binder, (that will hold 52 Nos. of the Marine Review).........-.--+-++0+ iS MARINE REVIEW, 510 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, Q. ome ee eee ee ~~ _----