16 | MARINE REVIEW. a CON. STARKE. $08: WOLTER. AUG. SienoLut. = JENKINS BROS.' PUMP VALVES DT, WOLTER CoO.., ee Se __. SSS 22 EE WemakeaspecialtyofHard| JENKINS BROS., , : Rubber Pump Valves for Hot i ; Water Oils, and Acids, also for | 7{ John St., NEW YORK. very high pressure. 31-33 N.Canal St., CHICAGO. Accept no Pump Valves as Jaxicrvs'orJENKINS BeOs:'| 105 Milk Street, BOSTON, ss stamped Wi re iB oro 91 No. Fifth St., PHILA. Se THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS, FLOATING DRY DOCK WILL LIFT VESSELS OF 400 TONS. DETROIT, MICH,, HAYES, HEIM Ss STACK, Builders of MANUFACTURERS OF MATTRESSES, PILLOWS AND BEDDING. ae Oy Telephone 539. Wemake a specialty of fitting out vessels. \| ' é I ' " ' ! 3 70 EAST RIVER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHI. Engines furnished Send 50 cents in stamps to the MARINE REVIEW for ten phototypes and gravures of lake steamers neatly bound. for Steamships: ar T. W. Palmer, Livingstone, Majestic, Tampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora, SHIPBUILDERS, "SIM 'NVDAOSAHS Fitted with "JOY "PATENT VALVE GEAR. J. D. WILSON. M. HENDRIE. Montague Iron Works, MONTAGUE, MICH. Geo.F. Williams, WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. Mackinaw MANUFACTURERS OF Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber, and Iosco. (fore and Panther ee Marine Engines and Boilers, AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY, ; JNFORD & ALVERSON, PORT HURON, MICH. aon NEW DOK BU LOIN Gj. (Largest.on the Lakes.) Length: 400 feet. on top 95 feet. DOCKING, Width: bottom 58 ce at gate £ REPAIRING, to floor 20 feet. ! SPAR MAKING. Depth: Ee ae i Nearest %.Modern Dock to the SAULT or MACKINAW. DOCK HAS PIT TO SHIP RUDDERS.