MARINE REVIEW. 19 Notes from Lake Ship Yards and Engine Works. One of the whaleback tow barges included in the list of new vessels was launched on Saturday last but will not go into commission, of course, until next season. : The steamer William B. Morley, built at Marine City which is now on her first trip, is practically a part of the one nage to be credited to the additions to the lake fleet next spring but she is not included in the list. ie The Selwyn Eddy, "straight back" steamer building at the Wyandotte yard of the Detroit Dry Dock Company, will not be launched on Saturday as was expected. Capt. Thomas Wilson and others of the Wilson Transit Company, Cleveland, have purchased from the Cleveland Ship Building Company the large freight steamer of monitor type, upon which work was begun recently. As shown in the list of new vessels this steamer is 340 feet over all, and is expected to carry 3,600 tons. She will have triple expansion engines and two boilers of Scotch type. 5. F. Hodge & Co. of Detroit are just finishing work on ma- chinery of the second car ferry building at Toledo for service on Lake Michigan in connection with the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Railway, and will shortly begin shipping to West Superior the machinery for the new world's fair passenger boat building at the yard of the American Steel Barge Company. The Cleveland Ship Building Company is well along with work on the contract for six boilers, smoke stack and furnaces for the same boat. 'The smoke stack is 11 feet in diameter. In nearly all of the big steamers of which detail is given the power will be furnished by triple expansion engines. The engines of the world's fair boat, building by S. F. Hodge & Co: of Detroit for the American Steel Barge Company, will have cylinders 26, 42 and 70 inches by 42-inch stroke and will develop 3,000 horse power, while the twin sets for the Great Northern passenger steamers, being built by the Globe company, of Cleveland, will develop 6,o00 horse power each. The beam engine for the Niagara Navigation Company's sidewheel steamer, which is being built by the Hamilton Lridge Company, will be furnished by the W. & A. Fletcher Co. of New York. 'This company will also fnrnish engines for the two side-wheel steamers being built by the Detroit Dry Dock Com- pany for the Detroit & Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. NEARLY EVERY SHIPBUILDER ON THE LAKES HAS BEEN FUR- NISHED WITH PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY AND NO SHIPBUILD- ER SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. THE DIAGRAMS OF WOODEN, IRON AND STEEL VESSELS AND MARINE ENGINES IN IT ARE ALONE WORTH THE PRICE OF THE BOOK. IT WILL BE SENT TO ANY ADDRESS FOR $5, OR THE DICTIONARY AND THE MARINE REVIEW, onE YEAR, $6. WRITE TO MARINE REVIEW, 516 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. : Stocks of Grain. The following table prepared from the Chicago Board of Trade report of the visible supply of grain on Saturday the 29th inst., shows with comparisons stocks of wheat and corn in store at points of accumulation important to the lake traffic : WHEAT, BUSHELS. Oct. 29, 792. Oct. 22, 792. _ CORN, BUSHELS. Oct 295 92s Oct 22.792: Chicago......... 9,525,000 8,967,000 6,843,0L0 6,355,000 Tuleh cosets 5140'000 49775000) eee en Milwaukee..... 1,739,000 1,517,000 9,000 10,000 Weitoits. oe 1,070,000 1,026,000 34,000 34,000 Moledom. ene 3,741,000 8,672,000 262,000 255,600 Bumalance 3,064,000 2,609,000 636,000 871,000 New York......14,460,000 13,993,000 1,992,000 1,697,000 Baltimore....... 2,146,000 2,003,000 459,000 305,000 Philadelphia... 1,863,000 1,696,000 227,000 208,000 Bostone fn 144,000 114,000 343,000 241,000 Montreal........ 508,000 398,000 33,000 18,000 Tho statement shows that at five lake shipping ports, Chicago, Duluth, Milwaukee, Detroit and Toledo, there is an increase at all points for the week of 1,365,000 bushels of wheat and a net increase of 493,400 bushels of corn, while at Buffalo and the five principal exporting ports on the seaboard, New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Boston and Montreal, there is an increase at all points in wheat of 1,372,000 bushels and in corn 350,000 bushels. Notices to Mariners. On or about Nov. 10, 1892, a fixed white light will be shown from a lens lantern, suspended from a post, about 15 feet above lake level, on the outer end of the west pier at Conneaut, Lake Erie, 'The light will be visible in clear weather about 5 statute miles. Commander E. IT. Woodward in charge of the tenth light- house district gives notice that the removal for the winter of the buoys in that portion of the tenth district embraced by Lake Erie and the Detroit river will begin about Nov. 10 and probably be completed by Nov. 30. Small scantling buoys will be left to mark the more important stations, as usual, in piace of the buoys removed. 'The buoys in the Niagara river and in the harbor of Buffalo will be left in position as long as possible, and on their removal no small buoys will be left in these localities. NO MASTER SHOULD ATTEMPT TO RUN THE SAULT RIVER WITHOUT CHARTS NOs. 1 AND 2, CORRECTED TO AUG. 30, 1892. THEY WILL BE FURNISHED AT COST AT THE OFFICE OF THE MARINE REVIEW or MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. FOR $1 WE WILL HAVE THEM BOUND AND BACKED WITH CLOTH, AND MAILED TO ANY ADDRESS. Wea ee es es A Good Second-Hand MARINE B3ILER, Good for at least 100 Pounds Steam, for use in a Steambarge. Address, MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bidg., Cleveland, 0. State Size, Age. Condition and Price. Farnan Brass Works, 24 CENTER STREET, Clieveland, O., MANUFACTURERS OF Qil Pumps, Large Steam Whistles, Brass Failings, And Aut Kinps or Brass Work, Regular or Special, used by Engine or Boat Builders.