MARINE REVIEW. ee Mattresses ---- ee ie Pia THE ONLY MATTRESS made that is essential for steamship use ; fitted with life-cords, each mattress becomes a LIFE PRESERVER and will hold MPROVED For Every up twenty persons in the water. They are also especially adapted for Steam- PUMPING Class ships, Yachts, ete., as they are always pure and clean, neyer need renovating, of Work. will not absorb moisture and cannot become infected with the germs of any con- 93fLiberty St. | 113 Federal St. NEW YORK. BOSTON. Sy Caan = 4, Send for New Illustrated CATALOGUE tagious disease. Furthermore, they make the most.comfortable bed in evistence. Be sure you have your new vessels fitted entire with our goods. Write for _ catalogue and testimonial letters. Manufactured and sold only by THE CONDIT FULLER Co. METROPOLITAN AIR GOODS CO., 7 TemplePlace, Boston,Mass. BAR IRON, SHEET IRON, PLATE IRON, PIC IRON, | BOILER TUBES Det eee oe PLATE STEEL THe JENKS SHIP BUILDING Co. mE Fae doa eee Will have FOR SALE OR CHARTER by the begining CLINCH RINGS, STEEL NAILS. of navigation, 1893, TrmaRSE 3) STREAMERS OPEN HEARTH STEEL. Especially Designed for the Lumber Trade. SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, If interested, address them at PORT HURON, MICH. ARCHES and STRAPS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. 4@°SEND YOUR ORDER FOR '"' PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL Write for Prices and List of Sizes. DICTIONARY"' ($5) TO THE " MARINE REVIEW' AT ONCE. CLEVELAND, OHio. F. W. WHEELER, 7 , E. T. CARRINGTON, F. L. GILBERT, President. Vice-President. Secvetary. re Ty - Myon. ® Builders of all Kinds of METAL AND WOODEN SHIPS, e W. F. COBB, W. |!. BABCOCK, Oo. R. SINCLAIR, fet Bee eibENt Vice-PRESIDENT. . MANAGER. SECRETARY. STEEL STEAM-SHIP BUILDERS, as AOist St. and Calumet River, COLEHOUR, ILL. _ (South Chicago Exchange.)