16 MARINE REVIEW. ASEM Aud: TWSTABLE BINNACLE AND COMPASS Hor PILOT HovusEs. With Directions for Adjustment. "Send for Circalaf = TP AE EEA roc, La With Adjustable ROTATOR. BEST Loc IN THE MARKET. THOUSANDS IN USE. MANUFACTURED BT JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. rey i. A. SMITH, contractors of Public Works, CLEVELAND, O. | D DREDGING, RAILROADS, CANALS, PILE-DRIVING. BRIDGES, BREAKWATERS, | FOUNDATIONS, DRY DOCKS and on PIER BUILDING. : 3 | ' Orrice: No.1 Front St. 20 Photo-gravures and Photo-types of lake steamers, bound, and the gravure of the Great Northern twin- screw passenger steamer, sent to any address for $1.00. The Great Northern steamer gravure is 9x13 inches and will be sent to any address for 16 cents in stamps. | MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg.., Cleveland, O. a ~ % YY fa a. ff 'TUGS " NM N Ie ( -TUGS-: & f RECORD, * iS tute Pee ff EFFIEL, \ M:D-CARRINGTON( , _ DOL SURES ®, WALTON B, & \ BUFFALO, aN eS Dp "PEARL B.CAMPBELLS pt a ge -- ae oe ae STEAM POMPS, HAWSERS, "LIGHTERS AND no DIVING. SUITS "FURNISHED ON 'SHORT NOTICE.