MARINE REVIEW. : 17 WASHBURN & MOEN MIG, CO., Malkers of Iron, Steel and Copper, Manufacturers of IRON, STEEL AND COPPER WIRE for all Purposes. NA/7 Lieos tOh a 2 ele eae Galvanized Iron Wire Rope for s ee pe is eee Galvanized Steel Cables for Ship's Rigging. SSS SSS SS--_ Suspension Bridges. Tiller Rope. Switch Rope. Standard Copper Cable and Copper Copper, Iron and Tinned Sash : Wire Rope. Cords. i SS Sa -------- = ---- Transmission and Standing Rope L -- SS : ---- ainsnn Sona SeOve Galvanized Crucible Cast Steel == es Wire Clothes Lines and Picture Wire Rope for Yacht's Rigging. . Br en ia aaa ge ca a Cords. Hoisting Rope. And all the Fixtuees and "Appliances required for use with the foregoing. SEND FOR PRICE LISTS, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLETS. GROVE ST., WORCESTER, MASS. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, FACTORIES AND ROLLING MILLS 2 QUUINSIGAMOND, MAss. (near Worcester.) OFFICES AND WAREHOUSES : | bunsennc, SAN FRANCISCO, WAUKEGAN, ILL. (near Chicago.) CHICAGO, WORCESTER, MASS. Lake Eriz Borer Works, BUFFALO, N. Y. THE BEst EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF Mharxe BOILERS. 20 Photo-gravures and Photo-types of lake steamers, bound, and the gravure of the Great Northern twin- screw passenger steamer, sent to any address for $1.00. The Great Northern steamer gravure is 9x13 inches and will be sent to any address for 16 cents in stamps. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, O. : THE, DAVIS Presse Regulator For Boat Work is the Most Successful. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Simple, Accurate, Durable. Neegacos, IR ee a \ AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Grane and Raltmng § a ee LL =. Our DREDGE and CRANE CHAINS are made of IRON ROLLED SPECIALLY for that purpose. Send for Price List. B. CARR & CO., Manufacturers, TROY, NEW ee vn GC) VWisiDAY lSiewGrs. hai i SIPIFILS REGUEATOR|No. 2 96 North Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL. THE ROBERTS | -- cate ts SAFETY WATER TUBE MARINE BOILER, S 3 ZA a For Yachts, Launches and other Steamers. WO OT. EN K, of MANUFACTURED BY ee NS ee THE ORIGINAL FIXED WATER LINE UG2% ' Pas PIPE BOILER. 4 a oa eee phere cen ess Boe We peor 'OFFI Ce \ cB | uGs: ecting ve ies from the customers of many P AL ; A integers, MAIN STREET BRInge. | 202 MARAIS. NEARLY 400 IN USE. WAAL COLL "1 E R,MANAGEE % Hi bL.CHAM BERLAIN, a % r TETSAFE, RELIABLE, SIMPLE, LIGHT WEIGHT, CLEVELAND .O,6 ee CUSHi ne. "Tot a PAYTHAM ECONOMICAL, NO SHOP REPAIRS, SMALL pS y ee DREADNAUGHT. C.G.¢ CURTISS SPACE. Send for Hlusteated Pamphlet and OPE L£ PHONE 4499, 4 STEAMPUMPS HAWSER oa ah other reading matter, with hundreds of -. ie 41S "LIC Te Sa re eninusiagne letters from purchasers and : Sas aes hse Le gi AAT ee i GHTE RF ae Se ee are tr rr ae aa FURNISHE DON ea ae a aHO AT NOT TICE FRG E OF ree, METCALES The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co. ; es cm = - Works govaring12,000 sq. ft. of ground at RED. BANK, N. - = 18 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK CITY.