renee MARINE Lite Navi Nel Mattresses Tre 44444444 -------- that is essential for steamship use ; fitted with life-cords, each mattress becomes a LIFE PRESERVER and will hold up twenty persons in the water. They are also especially adapted for Steam- ships, Yachts, etc., as they are always pure and clean, never need renovating, will not absorb moisture and cannot become infected with the germs of any con- tagious disease. Furthermore, they make the most comfortable bed in evistence. Be sure you have your new vessels fitted entire with our goods. Write for catalogue and testimonial letters. Manufactured and sold only by METROPOLITAN AIR GOODS CO.,7 Temple Place, Boston,Mass. -- s@"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY" ($5) TO THE " MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. ~~- HORACE SEE, ~~~ ConsuLTine Encineer and Navat Arcuirect, ---- One Broapway, New Tork. F. W. WHEELER, President. E. T. CARRINCTON, Vice-President. Ee» 93fLiberty St. | 113 Federal St. _ NEW YORK. | BOSTON. uur UAGHINERY asa | CRCALOGE THE CONDIT FULLER Co. SHEET IRON, PLATE IRON, BOILER RIVETS, GAS PIPE, BOAT SPIKES, CLINCH RINCS, Send for New _ Illustrated BAR IRON, PIC IRON, BOILER TUBES, PLATE STEEL, 3 STEEL NAILS. OPEN HEARTH STEEL. oh SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, ARCHES and STRAPS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. Write for. Prices and List of Sizes. CLEVELAND, OHIo. F. L. CILBERT, Secvetary. WHEELER © - Weer Bay Grrv, Mien. © Builders of all kinds of METAL ANO WODDEN SHIPS, W. F. COBB, | WILLIAM L. BROWN, oe Vic&-PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT. Curcaco Sure Bu oO. R. SINCLAIR, W. I. BABCOCK, SECRETARY. MANAGER. ILDING (oMPANY, STEEL STEAM-SHIP BUILDERS, TELEPHONE No. 40. (South Chicago Exchange.) (Oist St. and Calumet River, COLEHOUR, ILL.