4 MARINE Ghe Vpattin-Ciatttsd 2 !MPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Alahegany, While Alahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. Yfsile Ch Simtels and Glonk CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. bleveland, Okie. AUTOMATIC 654 Depece. ech, 'i B PENBERTHY 'ie BACK, START, STOP OR ROLL. NOTHING BREAKS THE FEED. Range, Stock Injector, 23 to 150 Ibs. » Special Injectors, 35 to 200 Ibs. FOR SALE AT EVERY LAKE PORT. " PENBERTAY INJECTOR CO Manufacturers, Detroit, Mich. GET TWO SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MARINE REVIEW AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A COPY OF THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF CHRIS- TOPHER COLUMBUS. REVIEW. Special Paints VESSELS ROOFS BRIDGES MACHINERY BUILDINGS FURNACES MADE TO MEET SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND UNUSUAL EXPOSURE. W. W. LAWRENCE & CO., pittssureu. Davip Wuitney, JR., President. THE MICHIGAN Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Ss Sa ele > lesley Ve ee sae CASH CAPITAL, - - - § 400,000.00 CASH ASSETS, - - - - 840,000.00 LOSSES PAID,--- - - 1,800,000.00 THIS COMPANY DOES A GENERAL MARINE BUSINESS on the GREAT LARES, AGENTS AT ALL PRINCIPAL LAKE PORTS. THE MARINE BANK Co. @ TERE ends, Ac INE 1D @ Er @- CAPITAL, $300,000. Incorporated under the laws of Ohio in 1891. Successor to E. B. HALE & CO., Established in 1852. Sees es © tbo = W. H. BARRISS, PresIpEnv. HENRY C. RANNEY, Vice-Pres'r, W. B. HALE, Cashier. MARTYN BONNELL. C. E. BURKE. THOS. FITZPATRICK. THOS. H. WHITE. F. H. Wurtnry, Secretary ke"We give special attention to Marine Business. | eG oS oe eee efey Merits 4k aoe) BUCKETS AND DUMP CARS. LARGE \ Yr Hl = AG N ay } NK 5) AER » ESN ! ; i E) AK Sp LON, S 'ont S ome" ast = S BY) | = i ud Op oo f : ( 4 \ t if | SMALL D SIEAME GREAT PeWer Gg THREE. TYPES; D fs = RUNCH NAV Y***MARINE. 223) ADOPTED BY VI.5, GoVERNMENT&\)/ MASE une AFTER THE MST EXHAUSTIVE OMPETITIVE TESTS -xrespondence tines CHARLES WARD, CHARLESTON, KANAHWA CO., W. VA. ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS FOR MARINE and STATIONARY WORK Manufactured by = "© ALY WATER TUBE BOILER (0. Providence, R.|I. 'The use of boilers of the coil type in ve aealy of small displacement and enor- already a necessity, and it will not be many ye gust before their use in all steam vessels."--E ngineer-in-Chief Melville, U.S. mously large power is will be genera