MARINE REVIEW. | 13 Serve's Ribbed Steel Boiler Tubes. Mr. Charles W. Whitney of 81 and 83 Fulton street, New York, agent in this country for' Serve's ribbed steel boiler tubes, has just taken an order for 1,840 tubes, 3% inches diameter by 10 feet 3% inches long for the new Fall River steamer, which is to eclipse in size, speed and in the elegance of her appointments any steamer of her kind hitherto built in this or any other coun- try. The engines and boilers are being built by the W. & A. Fletcher Company of Hoboken, N. J., and the order is from this firm. The steamer is to have ten boilers of the Scotch marine type, 14 feet in diameter and 14% feet long, each boiler to be fitted with 184 of these tubes. With plain tubes the consump- tion of fuel by this steamer was estimated at 160 tons per round trip between New York and Fall River, and the saving in fuel or increased steaming capacity by the use of ribbed tubes is esti- mated to be at least 10 per cent. Under favorable conditions it is claimed that it will amount to more than this. Mr. Whitney says: 'At the present cost of anthracite coal in New York, $4.30 per ton in the bunkers, the ribbed tubes on this estimate will pay for themselves outright in two years' service, and then go right along and make half their cost every year for the own- ers of the boat during the balance of their lives, which we esti- mate at five years, the total life of the tube under usual condi- tions in marine boilers averaging seven years. Naval engineers speak favorably of the Ward boilers, which were placed in the Monterey, U.S. N., by the navy department partly in the way of an experiment. 'They have never been used before on so large a scale, and there has been some doubt as to the probability of their proving successful. But the engineers _ state that the boilers steam perfectly and give every indication of continuing to do so with increased pressure.--The Engineer, New York. The firm of W. W. Lawrence & Co., Pittsburg, recently filled an order for the United States government for nearly 10,000 gallons of paint, which is to be used on the light-houses and gov- ernment buildings on the Atlantic coast. Vacuum Marine Engine Oil. (Known only by this brand.) Feeds perfectly on worsted wicks. Does not clog the strands. Saponifies with water ; nice white lather. Works just as well without water. lias. a good: cold test. Costs less than lard, olive or sperm. VACUUM OIL COMPANY, In stock at all the leading ports. Send for Marine pamphlet. Rochester, N.Y. pas TOMATIG INCANDESCENT OF OUR MANUFACTURE are endorsed by the following Owners and Managers of some of the Finest Steam Vessels on the |kakes: IF YO! | WANT your Steamer equipped with an....... IGHTING PLANTS AUTOMATIC INCANDESCENT LICHTINCG PLANT, Which can be handled by an engineer without any previous knowledge of electric plants, and which will operate arc and incandescent lamps from the same dynamo, write the Fisher' Electric Gompanhy, PHetroit, Mich.