Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 26 Jan 1893, p. 14

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a MARINE MARINE REVIEW LINER EXCHANCE. -- Space under this heading may be used gratis by our advertisers or subscribers to call attention to vessels or any craft, machinery, new or second hand, that they may have for sale. Those wanting machinery of any kind or wishing to purchase vessels, are invited to take advan- tage of the same offer. Employers in need of professional men or men who want positions may avail themselves of the opportun ties offered. Each item will be limited to three lines. Letters concerning same must mention number attached to item and be addressed MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Building. Cleveland. 0. 162--FOR SALE CHEAP--Steam launch, 25 feet long, 53 feet beam. Porcupine boiler and oil for fuel. In very good condition. Boat cost $750; nearly new; will sell for $300. 163--WANTED --Twenty engineers and pilots to run launches at the world's fair. 164--WANTED--Five first-class tug engineers. 165--WANTED--To buy or lease, passenger steamer, about 100 feet long, suitable for coasting trade on Lake Superior. 166--FOR SALE--Twin screw steel hull steamer, 120 feet long and 18 feet wide; draft, 43 feet; speed, 18 miles. 167--FOR SALE--Steamer Rust and Schooner Barnes, having 6-cent wheat on board. 168--FOR SALE--Dredge and two dump scows. 169--FOR SALE--Pair 63x14 dredge engines. 170--FOR SALE--A new steel hull steam yacht, 56 feet over all and 10 feet beam; good speed. 171I--FOR SALE CHEAP--Engine, marine compound, 6 and 12 by 8; used only two months. Price $310. 172--FOR SALE CHEAP--Boiler, water tube, nearly new, 50 in. by 60 in. by 6 ft. high ; allowed 200 pounds steam. Price $400 if sold at once. THE JENKS SHIP BUILDING Co. Will have FOR SALE OR CHARTER by the begining of navigation, 1893, TEREE (38) STEAMERS Especially Designed for the Lumber Trade. If interested, address them at PORT HURON, MICH. CHEAP BOOKS. Key to Engineering............... $0 25 Common Sense in Making Steamers. bse ec eee 0 25 AOL Kedge Anchor, bound in cloth 2 50 : Roper's Hand-Book of Marine WM eineSe.err te If you want any of these books enclose money and address to MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0. See eee meee ce STATIONAR MARINE. & -HOISTING ENGINES WITH VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL STEEL BOILERS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Pad UNGER LY NCIU Steamer David W. Rust, taid up at Duluth with 33,800 bushels of wheat on board, drawing 13 feet 7 inches of water ; freight and storage to Buffalo 6 cents. Schooner C. C. Barnes, also laid up at Duluth with 33,300 bushels of wheat on board, drawing 13 feet 7 inches of water ; freight and storage to Buffalo 6 cents. For further particulars, apply to SULLIVAN & HUBBARD, TOLEDO, OHIO. G. TROUT, IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, THREE CYLINDER, FORE AND AFT And STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES, High and Low Pressure Engines, Sectional, Propeller. Tug and Yacht Wheels. Cowles Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Propeller Wheels. Fi. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and propor- tionate saving of coal. PRICES QUOTED OW APPLICATION. REVIHW. (a) a | | (hy 0 i 2 subscription I PRINTERS' LNK for one year. Cc. HH. McCuUuUTCHEON, (Successor to SAMUS McouTozreow -) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Couplings, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &c., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Telephone No. 68. No. 18 Ohio Street BUFFALO, N.Y, TINCORErORATED 179. Insurance Company of North America. $3,000,000.00 9,744,513.70 CAPITAL, Paid upinCash, = = ASSETS, .0 0 =20 So sie e s CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM A. PLATT, Vice-President, EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. §GREVILLE H. FRYER, Sec'y. & Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department, 'vtoneos ui COMBINATION PUMP WATER CLOSET (ee ie For Yachts, Pilot Boats, isi Naval Ships, Etc. - For .bove or below water line. No tank needed, and when below water line you can flush bowl without hay- ing to use pump. WILLIAM BISHOP, Plumber, Coppersmith & Steam Fitter, : Telephone 4811 Cortlandt, 205 South Street, NEW YORK. Yacht Fittings a Specialty. The Le:ding Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Jou. nal. Price Sixpe ee. Che Steamship, A Scientific Journal of Marine Engineer- ing, Shipbuilding and Shipping. Published Monthly. Edited by J. Lockie. ---- Pir -- Canal Journal and Inland Navigation Review. Published Monthly. Is Indispensible to all who are interested in inland navigation. Should be read by all Marine Engineers, Shipbuilders and Electricians. Contents each month comprise: Illustrations of Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding Inventions. Original Articles on Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Launches and Trial Trips. It is read by those connected with every branch of inland navigation business, and is invaluable to advertisers who wish to reach these classes. 3@-It circulates widely in Europe and America. Price, 6s. 6d. per annum, post free. 37 Walbrook, London E. C,, England. THE O'CONNELL GREASER, Durie the past three years hundreds of ma- rine engines of from 2,000 to 4,000 h. p. have been served, as well as high speed electric light en- gines. Head Office--2 Customhouse Chambers, Leith. London Office--4 Pilgrim Street, E. C. Oe ee The Little Schoolmaster in the Art of Advertising: Printers' Ink, A Weekly Journal for Advertisers, Will be sent to any address for One Year for Two Dollars. PRINTERS' INK gives the news of the advertising world. Every issue is full of ideas. ADDRESS (Inclosing Two Dollars) PRINTERS' INK, 10 Spruce St., New York. RESULTS: Sure control of Crank Pin. : Stoppage of Lard Oil account. i Perfectly clean Engine S0'Connell & Cahill, Manistee, Mich. Dark lines indicate ap paratus. WADHAM'S OIL & GREASE CO. 118 Fowler St., Milwaukee, Wis., Tacs ay 7th f EWEE STON DISTINCT LINES. 46 DIFFERENT FORGES SU LOG Agents. For five dollars a copy the last issue of the American Newspaper Direc- ory (1.500 pages) will be sent, carriage paid, to any address. and the pur- chase of the book carries with it a paid - in - advance to atte wee ewww UM eo) wy pO) a 20 years' experience. Write for information. eco Alsen at p AT C NN T 8 HOPKINS & ATKINS . : Washington, D.C.

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