ARINE REVIEW, Nols VII. To Care For World's Fair Passenger Business. In a great deal that has been written about the plans of the World's Fair Steamship Company for providing, during the fair, transportation by water between Jackson park and the several piers and docks on the lake front, the whaleback passenger steamer | Christopher Columbus has been given unusual prominence. The arrangements of this company, or syndicate of capitalists | headed by R. S. Henry of Chicago, are by no means confined to | the operation of the whaleback steamer, as in caring for the . control which they have secured of the passenger traffic by water to and from the fair grounds, some novel and interesting | changes will be made in several freight and passenger boats that -- The accompanying engrav-_ ing of the new steel steamer Arthur Orr, now nearing comple- tion at the yard of the Chicago Ship Building Company, and under charter from her owners, C. W. Elphicke and others of | Chicago, for this world's fair service, will serve to show how one. have been chartered for the service. CLEVELAND, OHIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1893. No. 14. between the fair grounds and the docks opposite the central por- tion of the city. This line of lights, under the direction of Capt. M. F. Symonds, who is in the United States light-house service, is intended to make navigation safe and easy, and is for the benefit of the numerous vessels of all kinds that will be assembled at Chicago, as well as the boats of the transportation company. A United States revenue cutter will be constantly on duty to see that vesslemen obey the instructions of the light- house board. Boats going southward will keep to. the west of the bnoys both day and night, and on northward ops vessels must keep to the east of the buoys. The Arthur Orr is a steel steamer of the following dimen: sions: Keel, 287 feet; over all 305 feet; beam, moulded, 41 feet; depth, moulded, 24 feet 7% inches. "The water bottom is 3% feet deep and she has two complete steel decks and gangways for package freight. The engines, built by H. G. Trout of Buffalo, are of the triple expansion type, the cylinders being 19,32 and STEEL STEAMER ARTHUR ORR AS ARRANGED FOR WORLD ic FAIR PASSENGER BUSINESS. of the big lake freight steamers is to be fitted up for carrying a large number of passengers. In addition to this steamer and 'the Christopher Columbus, the company has under charter the side wheel excursion steamer City of Toledo, freight steamers Palmer and Livingstone and the ferry boats Duluth and Super- ior. Alterations similar to those shown in the illustration were: 'intended tor the steamers Palmer and Livingstone, but it is now probable that these boats will not be used for the passenger traffic but will be put into the general freighting business on the lakes, and other vessels already suited to passengers engaged in their stead. 'This can be done, as the syndicate in chartering the vessels reserved the right to operate them in the coal, ore and grain trade if such a course was desired. All of. the boats will be used for general excursion business. Docks are being built with a special view to rapid handling of both boats and passengers, and a most interesting feature of the whole system will be a line of fourteen electrical buoys, operated from one station and extending along the lake front 52 inches by 45 inches stroke. Two boilers, built by "the: "igice Erie Boiler Works of Buffalo, are 12 by 12 feete ae This steamer is expected to carry 120,000 bushels of corn out of Chicago when engaged in the general freighting business for which she is being built. It is not surprising, therefore, that she will, with the arrangement of decks for excursion business, be allowed 2,500 passengers. A wood deck has been put- down over the steel main and spar decks, and in addition an awn- ing deck of wood will run the full length of the boat over the spar deck on a level with the tops | of the houses. 'I'wo stair- ways will lead trom this awning deck to the spar deck, but passen- gers will be carried on the awning deck forward of the pilot house only. From the main to the spar deck there will be three broad oak stairways. 'The midship house on the spar deck will be utilized for a ladies' cabin, and on the main deck there will be a men's toilet room, bar andlunch room. The boat's out- fit will be modern in every way and will include an electric plant installed by the Fisher Electric Company.