Around the Lakes. Capt. William Brownlee, who sailed the schooner Hattie Wells, died at his home in Port Huron Sunday. There is said to be more water at Grosse point than for two years. Vessels drawing 16 feet ro inches have passed over the bar at this point without grounding, but this should not prompt careful masters to load beyond a reasonable limit. Capt. Charles G. Penney, U.S. A., who has made many friends among marine men while on recruiting service in Cleve- land, has been ordered to Pine Ridge Indian agency. Capt. Penney has had several.years of experience in this duty andisa valued officer. The American Shipmasters Association of 37 William street, New York, publishers of the Record of American and Foreign Shipping, classed during the past week the American bark A. C. Bean, American screw steamers Florida, Merida and S. S. Cirtiey, American ship Solitaire, American three-masted schooner Susan H. Ritchie, British ship Euphemia and British half-brig Herbert. Major James F. Gregory, corps of engineers, U.S. A., sta- tioned at Milwaukee, informs us that the spars and jibboom of the wreck of the schooner Lumberman, about six miles off Wind point, and on the course from Racine to Milwaukee, were removed on Friday last. There is now no obstruction to navigation, as all parts of the vessel are more than 45 feet below the water sur- face. Just thirty-three days were required to construct in Chicago recently the largest grain elevator in the world, and in one week after its completion the house, which has a capacity of 3,680,000 bushels, had 1,000,000 bushels of wheat in store. 8,000,000 feet of lumber were used in the construction of the building, which is of the ordinary crib style. 'The elevator is equipped throughout with electric lights and is completely fur- nished with all styles. of modern machinery. From 600 to 900 men were continuously employed night and day in its construc- tion. British charts of Lake Superior cover the entire north shore. We have them for sale at $1. : 16 ATWATER STREET W., a is ay More than. MARINE REVIEW. i9 The new train service of the Nickel Plate road is giving universal satis- faction. On all sides are heard expressions of approval of the efforts which this popular road is making in the interests of the travelling public. Three fast trains are now running in each direction daily. Superb dining cars and through palace sleepers to and from New York, Boston and Chicago, form part of the new equipment. 15-22-29 H. CHANNON COMPANY, General Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, Dealersin Manilla Rope, Wire Rope, Tackle Blocks, Cotton Duck, Anchors, Chains, Etc. 24-26 MARKET STREET, CHICACO, ILL ero SA STEAM YACHT MANATEE, formerly owned by Hamilton Disston of Philadelphia, 90x15x7. Fully equipped and sea- worthy and in perfect order. No reasonable offer refused, and unreasonable offers considered. Come quick. M. H. SCIPLE & CO., Philadelpaia, Pa. REASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF General Superintendent U S, Life Saving Service, Washington, D. C., June 21, 1893. Seal- ed proposals will be received at. this office until 2 o'clock p m. of Thursday, the'20th day of July, 1893, for furnishing supplies required for use of the Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1894; the sun ples to be delivered at such points in New York City, Grand Haven, Mich., and San Francisco, Cal,,as may be re- quired, and in the quantities named in the specifications. The supplies needed consist of Beds and Bedding, Blocks and Sheaves, Cord- age, Crockery, Furniture, Hardware, Lamps, Lanterns, ete.; Lumber, Medicines, etc.; Paints, Oils, ete.; Ship Chandlery, Stoves, ete. ; Tools, and Miscellaneous articles; all of which are - enumerated in the specifications attached to the form of bid, 'ete., which may be obtained upon application to this office, or to the Inspector of Lite-Saving Stations, 24 State Street, New York City; Superintendent Eleventh Li e-Saying Dis- trict, Grand Haven, Mich., and Superintendent Twelfth Life-Saving District, AP RE HSenS New Building, San Francisco, Cal, Envelopes con- taining proposals should be addressed to the "General Superintendent U.S. Life-Saving Ser- vice, Washington, D.C.," and marked on the | outside 'Proposal for Annual Supplies." The right is reserved to reject any.or all bids and to waive defects, if deemed for the interests of the Government. S. I. KIMBALL, General Superintendent. eae Ae =. DUPUIS, DETROIT, MICH. ------= CONTRACTOR FOR DOCK BUILDING, BRIDGE and TRESTLE WORK. PILE DRIVINC AND FOUNDATION WORK. DRY DOCK BUILDING ; builder of Detroit Dry Dock Co.'s New Dry Dock. PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF DUPUIS STEAM PILE DRIVER HAMMER, Which is very effective, in that it is forced by steam in the down stroke, (which is not the case in other pile drivers), making the ram strike a quick and powerful blow. One advantage of this Hammer over others is, that the steam hose is inside the leaders, and not in the way of hoisting the piles as is the case in other steam hammers. TWO SIZES of these Hammers are made, one weighing 5000 Ibs. and one 7000 Ibs. THE WORKING OF HAMMERS GUARANTEED. 5 RS 5 be} . | pl PATENT ADIUSTABLE BINNACLE AND or Loo Oa Ss. --- With Directions for Adjustment. COMPASS s@"Send for Circular. --=t TAEERA I. Loe, e=-- With Adjustable ROTATOR. BEST LOC IN THE MARKET. THOUSANDS IN USE. MANUFACTURED BT JOHN BLISS & CO.,128 FRONT STREET, NEW YORK. ri