MARINE REVIEW. 25 Lake Erie RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres't. abe. --¢ Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple Expansion Engines, From 250to 10, 000-- Horse Power For Marine and Stationary Service. _----__4+--__ os Wyo ingineering Works, Buffalo, N. Y. JOHN oa Sec'y and Treas. Va. Special Designs for Cable Railways and Electric Power Plants. The Best EKconomy and Regulation Guaranteed. <---- "aly eis eel tie aly Ce ee se PLANT ea, AMERICA. The Chase Machine Co. [11 Elm St., CLEVELAND, 0., Machinists and Engineers, Manufacturers of Land and Marine Engines and Steam Pumps, Sole Owners and Manufacturers of the Chase Fog Whistle Machine. Over 150in use on the best class of Lake Steamers. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. ASBESTOS PIPE AND BOILER COVERING. Telephone 994 McBEAN, EDGE & CO.., Nleamboat Sheet Iron, Tin aud ae Workers, --MANUFACTURERS OF-- HP ADHD With patent lenses, fluted or corrugated, with corrugations inside or out. STEEL RANGES for Steamboats and Hotels. HEAD LIGHTS, ENCINEERS' SUPPLIES, Anchor and Binnacle Lamps; Square, Triangle and C analboat Head-lights; Torches Coal Oil (ene Lanterns, "Chimneys, Wicks, &c. Telephone 803. 33 Main St. BUFFALO, N.Y. k@"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY" ($5) TO: THE " MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. KLING BROS. BOAT BUILDERS Hulls Iron or Steel up to 150 ft. in length. BOILER WORKS. Dock 287 Hawthorne Av. CHICACO, ILL. TONEY ANAEN ANMW KATHE ivan aunt STARRETI'S Fine Tools Warranted Accurate--Best in Workmanship--Latest in design-- Finest in Finish--Send for Cat= alogue. L. S. STARRETT, Athol, Mass., U.S. A. . Mc Kinnon Iron Works, Machinists, Engine Builders, Shipsmiths and Boiler Makers. ASHTABULA HARBOR, O. Engineers' Supplies, Lubricating and Burning Oils, Steam, Deck and Suction Hose, and Air Pump Valves. We carry Largest Stock of these goods to be found between Cleveland and Buffalo, and sell at the lowest price. We solicit your trade while at this port. " a a ee = = ae ees ------ --a es enti soo or eC