tel Care of Sick and Disabled Seamen. Arrangements haye been made by the marine hospital service for the care of sick and disabled seamen at the following lake ports : Ashland, Wis.--St. Joseph's hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing, medical attendance and medicines at $1 per day. Ashtabula, O.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; Mrs. Henry Whelpley to furnish quarters, subsistence and nursing at $1 per day; contagious diseases, $1.50 per day; John Ducro & Sons to provide for the burial of deceased patients, at $14 each. Patients requiring long con- tinued hospital treatment will be furnished transportation to the United States marine hospital at Detroit. Buffalo, N. Y.--Medical attendance to be furnished by a medical officer of the marine hospital service; the Buffalo hospital (S.sters of Charity) to fur- nish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines at 80 cents per day; con- tagious diseases at $2 per day; and to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $10 each. Chicago, Ill--Hospital patients to be cared for in the United States marine hospital; A. E. Braton & Co. to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $18.50 each. Cleveland, O.--Medical attendance to be furnished by a medical officer of the marine hospital service; the Cleveland City Hospital Association to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines, in the United States marine hospital, under lease of Sept. 21, 1875, at 64 cents per day. The hos- pital to be kept in repair by the association; Flynn, Abel & Froelk to furnish ambulance service, at $2 for each patient; G. Jasper to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $11 each. Detroit, Mich.--Hospital patients to be cared for in the United States 'marine hospital; out-patients to be treated at the dispensary, No. 90 Griswold street; J. A. Dick & Co. to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $8.90 each. sie Duluth, Minn.--Medieal attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Luke's hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and med- icines at 90 cents per day; John W. Stewart to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $15 each. Erie, Pa.--Medieal attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant sur- geon; Hamot Hospital Association to furnish quarters, subsistence and nurs- ing at 71 cents per day. Patients requiring long-continued hospital treatment will be furnished transportation to the United States marine hospital at Detroit. Escanaba, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assist--- ant surgeon; Delta County hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence and nursing at $1 per day. Grand Haven, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; Nancy Palmer to furnish quarters, subsistence and nursing at $1 per day. : Green Bay, Wis.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assist--- ant surgeon; St.Vincent hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicine at $1 per day; contagious diseases at $3 per day; Lefebore & Schu- macher to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $16 each. Ludington, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assist-. ant surgeon; Hannibal D. Lindsley to furnish quarters, subsistence and nurs- ing at $1 per day. ae Manistee, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assist- ant surgeon; Mercy hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines at 90 cents per day. Marquette, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Mary's hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence and medicines at $1 per day; contagious diseases at $4 per day; and to provide for burial of deceased patients at $15 each, Michigan City, Ind.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon ; seamen requiring hospital treatment must make application at the United States Marine hospital, Chicago. ; Milwaukee, Wis.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assist- ant surgeon ; out-patients to be treated at No. 159 Wisconsin street ; St. Mary's hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines at 80 cents per day; Chas. E. Judson to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $15.75 each. Chronic hospital patients to be furnished transportation to the United States marine hospital at Chicago. Ogdensburg, N. Y.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; the City hospital to furnish quarte s, subsistence, medicines and nursing at $1.25 per day; and to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $15 each. f Oswego, N. Y.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; the Oswego hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines at $1.25 per day. : Port Huron, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; the Hospital and Home to furnish quarters, subsistence and nursing at $1 per day. Patients requiring long-continued hospital treatment will be furnished transportation to the United States Marine hospital aut Detroit ; George Thompson to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $8 each. Saginaw, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assist- ant surgeon; St. Mary's hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and MARINE REVIEW. | ii medicines at 65 cents per day, Patients requiring long-continued hospital treatment to be furnished transportation to the United States marine hospital at Detroit. Sandusky, O.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; the Good Samaritan hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence and nursing at $1 per day. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; Mrs. Annie McNeeley to furnish quarters, subsistence and nursing at $1 per day; J. Vanderhook to provide for the burial of: deceased patients at $5 each. Superior, Wis --Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting' assistant surgeon; St. Francis hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines at ¥0 cents per day. Toledo, O.--Medical attendance to be furnished by an acting assistant surgeon; St. Vincent hospital to furnish quarters, subsistence, nursing and medicines at 80 cents per day; contagious diseases $2 per day; and to provide for the burial of deceased patients at $15 each. REASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF _Gereral Superintendent U S, Life Saving Service, Washington, D. C., June 21, 1893. Seal- ed proposals will be received at. this office until 2 0'clock p m, of Thursday, the 20th day of July, 1893, for furnishing supplies required for use of the Life-Saving Service for the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1894; the supplies to be delivered at such points in New York City, Grand Haven, Mich., and San Francisco, Gal,,as may be re- quired, and in the quantities named in the specifications. The supplies needed consist of Beds and Bedding, Blocks and Sheaves, Corad- age, Crockery, Furniture, Hardware, Lamps, Lanterns, etc.; Lumber, Medicines, ete.; Paints, Oils, ete.; Ship Chandlery, Stoves, ete.; Tvols, and Miscellaneous articles; all of which are enumerated in the specifications attached to the form of bid, ete., which may be obtained upon applicatlon to this office, or to the Inspector of Lite-Saving Stations, 24 State Street, New York City; Superintendent Eleventh Li e-Saving Dis- trict, Grand Haven, Mich., and Superintendent Twelfth Life-Saving District, Appraisers' New Building, San Francisco, Cal. Envelopes con- taining proposals should be addressed to the "General Superintendent U.S. Life-Saving Ser- vice, Washington, D. C.," and marked on the outside "Proposal tor Annual Supplies." The - rght is reserved to reject any or all bids and to waive defects, if deemed for the interests of -- the Government. S. I. KIMBALL, General Superintendent. : ROPOSALS FOR GUN FORGINGS. NAVY Departmert, Washington, June 29, 1893. The attention of all steel manufacturers of the United States is hereby invited to the require- ments of the Navy Department for gun forgings for the batteries of vessels for the Navy. This advertisement invites all domestic manufactur- , ers of steel to specify, in comp tition with each other, upon what terms they will engage to pro- duce the gun forgings herein mentioned, and no bids will be considered except such as engage to produce within the United States, of domestic material, the gun steel menti ned in this adver- ment, nor will any bids be accepted unless accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Department that the bidder is in possession of a lant adequate for its fulfillment. Bids are eeeny invited for furnishing the Department the following material : Forty sets of rough- bored and turned forgings for 4-inch breech- loading rifles, Thirty sets of rough-bored and ' turned forgings for 5-inch breech-loading rifles. - Sixteen sets of rough-bored and turned forgings for 8-inch breech-'eading rifles Five sets of rough-bored and turned forgings for 12-inch breech-loading rifles. One set of rough-bored and turned forgings for 3-ineh breech-loading rifle. For information concerning shapes ard weights of the gun forgings, the specitications governing the manufacture and the tests for acceptance of the same, and for all other parti- culars, apply to the Chief of Bureau of Ordnance, Navy Department, Washington, D. C. -- Pro- posals must be in duplicate, sealed and address- ed to the Secretary of the Navy, Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D.C., the envelopes endorsed 'Proposals for gun forgings.". They will be received at the Navy Department until 12 o'clock m.on the 18th day of July, 1893, at which hour the opening of the bids willtake place. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Secretary of the Navy, for an amount equal to five per cent. of the bid. The check received from the success- ful bidder will be returned to him on his enter- ing into a formal contract for the due perform- ance of the work and giving bond for the same, with security to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy, in a penal sum equal to 15 per cent, of the amount of his bid ; butin case he shall fail to enter into such contract and to give such bond within thirty days after notice of the acceptance of his proposal,the check accompany- ing such proposal shall become the property of the United States. All checks accompanying proposals which are not accepted will be return- ed immediately after the award shall have been made. The right is reserved to waive defects in the form of, and to reject any or all bids. Ten per cent. will be retained from payments under the contract on each class of forgings until com- pletion thereof and compliance with the specifi- cations. Preference will be given for early deliveries, and a penalty will be imposed for failure to deliver the forgings within the time specified iu the contract. H. A. HERBERT, Secretary of the Navy. 6-13