MARINE RE EVIEW. : 17 LAKE ERIE BorLER Works, Burrao, N. Y. THE BEST EQUIPPED PLANT IN AMERICA For THE MANUFACTURE OF PERN TD OTLERS, THE BUFFALO AUTOMATIC. Operated entirely A GRADINC INJECTOR. by One The movement of the steam and water . valves and their relative positions are such that the supply of water will away be in proportion to the su ee yo ce Vly of steam admitted oO the jets. CAN BE GRADED to run continuously on any steam presssure from 20 to 140 lbs. Operated entirely by one handle, both in stop- ping and starting, as well as in grading the supply of steam and water. Eagle Ejectors, Duplex Tube Scrapers, Cyl- inder Oil Pumps Improved Glass Oil Cups and Lub- ricators Compression Grease Cups, Improved Ball Gauge Cocks, and other Steam Users' Specialties. Send for Catalogue, mentioning this paper. SHERWOOD MPC. C0,, (wirs.) BUFFALO, N.Y, Ainsley's Engineers Manual of the Local Marine Board Examinations. Handle. WAS 7£ No Valves required in either Steam for Suction Pipes. Complete in QOVOUS acs, cos ateceretee eee tiesc mee aette ter tee same ts en ee eS 00 Reed's Engineers Hand-book to the Marine Board Examinations. 612 Pages, 36 | olding Plates, 8 vo. Cloth.. ..§4.50 Triple and Quadruple Expans en Engines and Boilers and their. Management. With 59 Illustrations, by A. Rircuie LEASK $2. How to Run Engines and Boilers. By E. P. Watson The Corliss Engine and Management. By HuntHoRNE& THURBER... ...... $1.00 SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, Fublishers, 10 Cortlandt St, N.Y. Jllustrated and Descriptive Catalogue, 10 cents. No master trading to Lake Superior shouls be without a chart of the north shore. We have them for sale at $1 each. "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw.' --R. HAMMOND. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. OWNERS AND CAPTAINS~--If you want one of these hand- some calenders mailed to you, send your address on a postal card, men- Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or tioning the REVIEW, to PARKER & MILLEN, Detroit, Mich. Scale-Forming Substance. "infest, STEP | Malian) AYO a as roan? | EUREKA na a ny ROBERT LEARMONTH. erence: Price, $30. INDICATOR PACKING For Steam, Water god pnow De ws and Air. CAN 200 BOUCK AVENUE, - - - - - BUFFALO, N.Y. ~ ees Send for circular. | Send for Sample. SAFELY : LH "Pease. HINE & ROBERTSON, *3.°%"3""| Say Fa ee © 3 Springs and Tizailse, A.--Settling chamber. B.--Boiler. T.S.&J.D.NEGUS Have the largest and finest stock of Nautical cisiniiients and Charts in the United States. Estimates given for C. D.--Steam pipe. Feed pipe to boil E.--Water supply pipe. Outfits of Steamers and F.--Check valve. Pleasure Yachts. : i : ' G.--Spray disks. Compass Adjusters, H.--Spray chamber. Send aoe Gene GEe J.--Equalizing tube. and anae. J.--Blow-off pipe. {40 Water St., New York City. Try the new NEGUS LOG. Every attention given Best in the World. to Trade orders. K.--<Automatic shut-off valve. L.--Division plate. M.--Deflector and separator. Special Agents for the Celebrated Ritchie Compass.