== . ee MARINE, REVIEW. 14 Bee eee cle Galan Geos FRANK L, DYER, 918 F. Street, Washington, D. C. References: American Steel Barge Co.; Capt. Alexander McDougall. Let me get your Patent, "ALL we & L, Trade Mark, or Claim for you. Honest and Good work is my pride. HANDS AFT." EDWARD C. WEAVER, Atty., Ne ae eres eg = FOOT NO. MARKET ST OFFICE. 64 LASALLE ST. a: = 18TH ST. BRIDGE, 900 F. (opp. Patent Office), WASHNGTON, D.C. : ILLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP "CG, CHICAGO ILL. MARI N E ie LVE Ol L For Cylinder Lubrication is unsurpassed, and 6 ped in 90 Marine Valve, Eldorado Engine, Victor Signal, Mineral Seal, Renown Engine, Crank Case, Dark Lubricating, Head Light, Artic Cup Greases, and Lard Oils. -- CARRIED IN STOCK AT THE -- ,\ Standard Oil Company's Marine Depot 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE 77. MAIN OFFICE TELEPHONE 682. S --7 AIVEN Ran Dy -- F ' ALSO FOR SALE BY = \OIL/ STANDARD OIL COMPANY, No.5 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. West Superior, Wis. Racine, Wis. Hancock, Mich. a, \OIL) Ci wl Broadway & Mason, Milwaukee, Wis. Mar quette, Mich. Sheboygan, Wis. Sault Ste. Mirie, Mich. Me anitowoe, Wis. Michigan Central Ranney & 10th St., Green Bay, Wis. West Bay City, Mich. Marinette, Wis. ~ - Kighth & Sears Sts., Saginaw, Mich, Oshkosh, Wis, 46 Jefferson, Detroit, Mich. Duluth, Minn, Summit & Monroe Sts, Toledo, O.. ATLANTIC REFLNinu Ucn. 1, Hrench & Ith. Sts., Erie, Pa. 'STANDARD Ori ComPANY, Star Oil Works, Buffalo. "N.Y. A. H. McGonaatn, South cites ago, Il. D. ROBESON, Port Huron, Mich. BABY & DALR, St. Clair, Mich. MARINE SUPPLY ¢ 0., BaDort, O ry W.S. Mc KINNON, Ashtabula Harbor, 0. N.C. ALTEN, i orain, 0: F. KRANZ, Sandusk s AULL & RAND, Huron, O. A. I', HARRINGTON, 'Conneaut Har bor, O, _THE M. 1, "WILCOX Hosiage & SUPPLY Co., Toledo, 0. F. W. WHEELER, E. T. CARRINCTON, ised F. L. CILBERT, President. Vice-President. : Secretary. Neen er 7 ail © Builders of al Kings of METAL AND WOODEN SHIPS. ee engineer and machinst. It can be used dry or mixed with water, '<> Z 5 a? oil or grease. We send free of charge a sample and pamphlet with interesting and instructive information. GRAPHITE. JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. Ag L yy me ae C»> IN] 7 Gamay Dixon's Perfect Lubricating Graphite is indispensible to every ¢< HE following Passenger Steamers employed at the WORLD'S FAIR are equipped with our Lighting Plants: We invite our friends and prospective customers to make én inspection of these Plants: CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS--Two 400 light direct-connected twin compound engines and dynamos with 800 lamps and search light. ARTHUR ORR--Two direct-connected engines and automatic dynamos, 350 lamps. CITY OF TOLEDO--Automatic belted engines and dynamo, 210 lights. Fisher Electric Co. 183. '85 & 187 Larned Street, West, Detroit, Mich.