14 MARINE REVIEW. W. F. COBB, WILLIAM L. BROWN, Vice-P RESIDENT. PRESIDENT. a catia hia iia -- oO. R. SINCLAIR, 2 K, W. |. BABCOC SECRETARY. MANAGER. Curcaco Sure Buitpine ComMPany, STEEL STEAM-SHIP BUILDERS, - TELEPHONE No. 40. South Chicago Exchange.) The Globe Automatic injector. FN DETAIL. = fey Seo the SIMPLICITY OF IP! JLT P43 - . {S ~ SSN SSN Nt OS SOUS 7 fecal) SS GMT SE A mn RY aN Ne 2 =p) oes SUPERIOR FOR 4 R= SIA STEAM. | [TI 2 S StOnES 'Gores MARINE BOILERS.., We RR I SAL Write for Particulars. Nic yi RSs | NS Kit Aas ; S SSS NP SENS N te \ ' : i i CS SIS Nee sah _ OVERFLOW é K eal MANUFACTURERS, 108 'Canal St, - Cleveland, O- A NEAT TRICK. OWNER--Captain, do you want to see a neat trick explained ? CAPTAIN--Yes sir, what is it? OWNER--Here is a circular explaining CRAWLEY & JOHNSTON'S "Cincinnati"? Automatic Steam Steerer. AOist St. and Calumet River, COLEHOUR, ILL, THE JENKS SHIP Barraing Co. Will have FOR SALE OR CHARTER by the begining of navigation, 1893, TERRES (3) STREAMERS Especially Designed for the Lumber Trade. If interested, address them at PORT HURON, MICH. Cc. Ei. McCUTCHEON, (Successor to SAMUEG McCUTCEIEOMN.) Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufactory, Steamboat and Engineers' Supplies. All kinds of Brass Cocks, Globe Valves and Cou uplines, &c. Iron Pipe and Fittings, and Mill Supplies. Rubber Belting, Hose and Packings, Springs, Valves, &e., Leather Belting and Usudurian Packing. Telephone No. 68. No. {8 Ohio Street BUFFALO, N. Y. COMBINATION PUMP WA TER CLOSET For Yachts, Pilot Boats, Naval Ships, Etc. For above or below water line. No tank needed, and when below water line you can flush bowl without hay- ing to use pump. CAPTAIN--(After a care'ul study. ) That's the bes' and simplest I ever saw. "'Its-a corker."' Pee one of them on my boat and I'll show you some quick work and save the price | ofitina rips. OWNER-- II do it, and adv'se my friends to invest gate it.--Write for prices, etc. CRAWLEY & JOHNSTON, 119-121-125 East Pearl St., CINCINNATI, 0. : WILLIAM BISHOP, Plumber, Coppersmith & Steam Fitter, Telephone 4811 Cortlandt, 205 South Street, NEW YORK. Yacht Fittings a Specialty. es ee viene OTe Oa Builder of DUPLEX HOISTING AND DECK ENGINES. and automatic ENGINES, at'woderate Prices. GEO, B, CARPENTER:& CO, Sh ip Chandlers «zw Sail Makers. ee BOILERS ca ane Send for Circulars and Prices. SAGINAW, MICH. | CORDAGE, TWINES, COTTON DUCK, eas BENJAMIN CARPENTER. GEORGE B. CARPENTER. ESTABLISHED 1840. MILL, RAILROAD and VESSEL SUPPLIES. SHIP LAMPS. OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS ¥ Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. PAGE Seen os, CC; (Formerty WILLIAMS, PAGE & CO.) 227 to 233 Cambridge St., BOSTON, MASS. FOR SALE. Ten Steam Yachts. 202, 204, 206, 208 So. WATER STREET, Gra LOA GO, aaa. H. G. TROUT KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y., MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, : THREE CYLINDER, Haycox Sight Connection FORE AND AFT | Ba Ae And STEEPLE COMPOUND | 2! Pumps. ¢ MARINE ENGINES, Pat. Jan. 12,92. Is placed betwe High and Low Pressure Engines: pimp and eylinder Sectional, Propeller. anid Shows whether «Tug and Yacht Wheels. oil is flowing, Cowles Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Propeller Wheels. Now in use earrying passengers at the World's Fair, Chicago. Will sell and con- tract to deliver them afloat in any waters in the U.S., after the close of the fair, : November 1st, two for immediate delivery. Write for Prices and Circular Licensed to carry 75 passengers each. The chance of a lifetime for anybody wanting a steam yacht. CHaAs. P. WILLARD & CO., Clybourn and Southport Aves., Chicago, Hl. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and propor- tionate saving of coal. PRICES QUOTED OW APPLICATION. EDWARD HAYCOX, 145 Wilkins St., DETROIT, MICH.