| MARINE REVIEW. ae | | SF HODGE S&C MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, _ DECK HOISTERs, MARINE REPAIRS. PLN Ua Cent Ree) =the DETROIT, MICH. SERVE'S RIBBED STEEL BOILER NDSTAY TUBES Show an ayerage economy in fuel of 15 per cent. In steamers this means not only so much saving in cost of coal, but additional freight capacity. "Full Particulars on Application. Purves' Ribbed Steel Boiler Furnace Flues. = 7 Nearly 10,000 Purves' Ribbed Steel Furnace Flues, of which this cut is a section, are in use in Marine Boilers. Besides having greater strength to resist collapse than any other furnace made, they possess many additional advantages which we shal] be happy to enumerate on application. NL I NI NIN CHARLES W. WHITNEY, Representing Messrs. JOHN WILLIAMS & CO.,Liverpool,sole agents for the U. S.and Canada. 81 and 83 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. LIFE-SAVING MATTRESSES. THE ONLY MAT- TRESS made that is essential for steamship use; fitted with life- <== cords, each mattress 5-7 becomes a LIFE PRE- '~ SERVER and_ will old up twenty persons nthe water. They are also especially adapted = for Steamships, Yachts, etc., as they are always pure and clean, never = need renovating, will not absorb moisture and cannot become infected with the germs of any con- tagious disease. Furthermore, they make the most comfortable bed.in existence. Be sure you have your new vessels fitted entire with our goods. Write for catalogue and testimonial letters. IMPORTANT.--We have just received official notice from the U.S. Government, that ships having our AIR MATTRESSES can carry so many less Life Preservers. Manufactured and sold only by METROPOLITAN AIR GOODS CO.,7 Temple Place, Boston,Mass. MYLER MANUFACTURING Jf. SSS SS a ~~~ HORACE SEE, --- CONSULTING ENGINEER AND Nava ARCHITECT, One Broapway, New York. THE CONDIT FULLER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIo. SHEET IRON, PLATE IRON, BOILER RIVETS, CAS PIPE, BOAT SPIKES, BAR IRON, PIC IRON, BOILER TUBES, PLATE STEEL, CLINCH RINCS, STEEL NAILS. Sales Agents of THE CARBON STEEL CoO. Manufacturers of OPEN HEARTH STEEL, SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, ARCHES and STRAPS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. Write for Prices and List of Sizes. CHT WALLWORK & WELLS' PATENTS. (7772 2000 CANDLE POWER! ESPECIALLY ADAPTFD FOR Dry Docks and Night Loading. PORTABLE, ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED, REQUIRES NO OUTSIDE MOTIVE POWER, UNAFFECTED BY WEATHER, NO SPRAY, NO SMOKE, SAFE AND ECONOMICAL. IN USE ON 15 DRY DOCKS ON THE LAKES. ALSO ADAPTED FOR t@s-For further particulars, address Steel Heatin ae eee sae V cs T D* ee : WILLIAM HALPIN, For Hull and Boiler Plates, Successor to KEEGAN & HALPIN, Tubes, Bending, Straighten- ; a Ua 45 and 46 Washington St., NEW YORK. Waa) RI 180 COLUMBUS ees 1400 ---- SOLE MAKERS OF THE ~~--- BOER a Ua TO haa a This Derrick can Lift Load, Alter the Radius of Boom, Swing in Either Direction at Will of Operator, and can Propel Itself on Track any De- sired Distance. NAR TT TAT aT ea Tit Mae OA ee ' BUILDERS OF CONVEYORS, COAL BUCKETS, ORE BUCKETS AND DUMP CARS. ----------w