applied to independent steam capstans. It may also be used as a hand capstan, the capstan-head, when turned by the bars in one direction, giving quick speed, and in the opposite, a slowed speed in the ratio of 1 to 3. The gears for the slower speed with hand power are placed in the base and lower part of the barrel, where there is room to make them of ample strength. The engine is located aft of the windlass shaft. Very little space is required, as the cylinders, being placed at right angles to each other and at an angle of 45 degrees to the bedplate, are brought close together. Each cylinder, with its steam chest, slides and main shaft bearing, is cast in one piece and is fastened MARINE REVIEW. -- 16 through the deck and bedplate into openings in the bottom of the reverse valve. The valve, which is of the balanced piston type, is easily moved by the lever when reversing the engine. The parts are so arranged that by placing the lever in the cen- tral position, the engine may be stopped instantly. DE GRAUW, AYMAR & CO.'S EXHIBIT. The exhibit of De Grauw, Aymar & Co., Nos. 34 and 35 South st., New York, shown in the illustration, consists of a stand of oars from their factories at Toledo and Montpelier, O. This does not by any means represent the firm's entire business, e EXHIBIT OF DEGRAUW, AYMAR & CO., 34 AND 35 SOUTH ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. to an A-frame which connects it to the bedplate. 'The cylinders and steam chest are lagged with cast iron, and the spaces between the casting and the lagging are filled with asbestos or mineral wool. The valve gear of both cylinders is driven from a single eccentric on the main shaft, placed aft of the aftermost bearing of the engine proper. Just forward of the engine on the main shaft is keyed a heavy balance wheel, which insures the smooth running of the engine. A reversing valve is placed on the bed- plate between the feet of the A-frame, within reach of both levers which control the triction bands of the wild-cats. This reverse is connected separately with the steam and exhaust openings of each cylinder, the main steam and exhaust pipes coming up which is that of ship chandlery, including an extensive trade in wire rope, cordage, oakum and marine hardware, besides the manufacture of flags. The colors presented by the New York Advertiser to the U.S. S. New York were made by this com- pany. An indexed catalogue of ship chandlery was published by the firm recently and no ship chandler should be without it. Write them, stating that you area dealer and mentioning the REVIEW, and you will probably receive a copy, The illustration of the Bethlehem hammer in this issue is presented through the courtesy of the Iron Trade Review, Cleve- land. : British charts of Lake Superior cover the entire north shore. §1. ena Le. eD. DUPUIS, 16 ATWATER STREET W., CONTRACTOR FOR DOCK BUILDING, BRIDGE and TRESTLE WORK, PILE DRIVING AND FOUNDATION WORK. DRY DOCK BUILDINC; builder of Detroit Dry Dock Co.'s New Dry Dock. PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF DUPUIS STEAM PILE DRIVER HAMMER, Which is very effective, in that it is forced by steam in the down stroke, (which is not the case in other pile drivers), making the ram strike a quick and powerful blow. One advantage of this Hammer over others is, that the steam hose is inside the leaders, and not in the way of hoisting the piles as is the case in other steam. hammers. TWO SIZES of these Hammers are made, one weighing 5000 Ibs. and one 7000 Ibs. THE WORKING OF HAMMERS GUARANTEED. DETROIT, MICH.