36 MARINE REVIEW. SYRACUSE TUBE COMPANY, | SYRACUSE, N. LY. MANUFACTURERS OF _. BOILER TUBES OF THE BEST CRADES ONLY. he BELLEVILLE BOILERS in the two GREAT NORTHERN STEAMERS... are constructed of SYRACUSE TUBES. - See full account of same in the MARINE REVIEW, Vol. VII, No. 19. i E=2 a Ne M% se VA % a) "it iP 7 "it AP 7S VESSEL AFLOAT, eo oe i ae a : aaa ----s a oe. es viz:-The U. S. Torpedo Boat "CUSHING," has SYRACUSE TUBES in her boilers exclusively. The FASTEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD, viz:_The Empire State Express, is drawn by locomotives using SYRACUSE TUBES exclusively. ~--=is CORRESPONDENCE INVITED =~