16 MARINE REVIEW. The Boat that Pays Is the boat that carries | the biggest load and makes the greatest number of trips. Economy isn't measured by what the boat cost, but by what the boat does. Cost hasn't anything to do with it; it's the boat that does the most work and goes the farthest that is the money-maker. Why not measure your Oil by the same standard? The principle .is the same whether applied to a boat or to 'a barrel. VACUUM OIL CO., Rochester, NENG VACUUM MARINE OILS In stock at leading ports. See that the barrels are properly branded. TO THOSE INTERESTED IN, OR USING VALVES. _ We have recently made improvements in the manufacture of JENKINS BROS. VALVES, having inereased the number of bolts, thickness of 5 anges, ete. We shall manufacture ONE "GRADE OF VALVE ONLY, suitable for high or low pressure steam. ~ The Jenkins Discs used 'in. these valves are suitable for HIGH OR LOW = PRESSURE [8 "We guarantee all valves stamped with Trade Mark , wiser S BrOs., EW YORK. -.~ --. CHICAGO. BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA. MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. PRICES REASONABLE Lorain Machine and Repair Shop, ED. A. FULLER, PROPRIETOR, : Broadway, between Fifth and Sixth Aves., =-- LORAIN, O. Shop well equipped for repairs to machinery | while boats are alsehatgingy and taking on cargoes. 6G ALL sph epee tom. 3 A TEMors. SS eee 24 OU. Honest and Good work is my pride. FRANK L, DYER, EX ANDS AFT." - 918 F. Street, ee ae ee ; ' Washington, D. C. EDWARD C. WEAVER, Atty., References: American Steel Barge Co.; 900 F. (opp. Patent Office), WASHNGTON, D.C. Capt. Alexander McDougall. J.D. WILSON. ~ M. HENDRIE MONTAGUE IRON WORKS, MONTAGUE, MICH. WILSON & HENDRIE, Proprietors. MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE ENGINES s: AND # BOILERS, and General Mill Machinery. P.M. CHURCH cc CO.,, SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. THE FRONTIER IRON WORKS. Fitted with "JOY PATENT VALVE GEAR. DETROIT, MICH., Builders of TRIPLE EXPANSION Marine Engines Engines furnished for Steamsnips : T. W. Palmer, Living- stone, Majestic, Tampa, John Mitchell, Nyanza, Fedora,Geo.F.Williams, Mackinaw, Keweenaw, Jno. Harper, W. F. Sauber and Iosco. Panther, (fore and com- pound). Usandan W. H. Gilbert, C. F. Bielman. WHALEBACKS-- Samuel Mather, Pathfinder. CORRECTED CHARTS OF THE ST. MARY'S RIVER CAN BE HAD FROM THE MARINE REVIEW, 016 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0,