Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 24 Aug 1893, p. 17

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MARINE! RVI 7 = oy -- Lake Erie | Fngineering Works, Buffalo, N. Y. RICHARD HAMMOND, Pres"t. 7 , CN (3 Ya ---. ---- Steam Engines, Compound, Triple and Quadruple } Expansion | Engines, From 250 to 10,000 Horse Power For Marine and - Stationary Service. ---- "oye = JOHN COON, Sec'y and Treas. Wo, --------s Special Designs for Cable Railways and. Electric Power Plants. The Best Feonomy and Regulation Guaranteed. a ---- hy? =« THE Breer HowrrrnD The Chase Machine Co. 11! ELM ST., CLEVELAND, O., ...MACHINISTS AND ENGINEERS... ~ MANUFACTURERS OF LAND AND MARINE ENGINES and STEAM PUMPS, SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF 3 Chase Fog Whistie Machine. Over 150 in use on the best class of Lake Steamers. Special Attention given to Marine Repair Work. ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. oe ASBESTOS PIPE AND BoILER COVERING. PATENT ADJUSTABLE BINNACLE and COMPASS ae Qn. eal, Oa Ge) ae lie TELEPHONE 994. - With Directions for Adjustment. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. EDD ).. TAFFRAIL LOG.. o)t TJ fe if 'cco WITH ADJUSTABLE ROTATOR. M BEST LOC IN THE MARKET. THOUSANDS IN USE. Ta ta et x MANUEPACTURED BT : JOHN BLISS & CO., 128 Front Street, NEW YORK. kE"SEND YOUR ORDER FOR " PATTERSON'S NAUTICAL DICTIONARY"' ($5) TO THE "MARINE REVIEW" AT ONCE. a ee Miss 1T.--Nickel Plate road's excursion to the world's fair, August 31st. Now AT THEIR BRIGHTEST AND BEST.--The illuminations and electric fountains at the world's fair, Nickel Plate road's excursion, August 31st, is your opportunity. THE EDUCATION OF YEARS.--Ten days at the world's fair. Take the Nickel Plate road's excursion August 31st. a PLAIN De DIN: AAME ere As ONE OF THESEBINDERS that will hold 52 NUMBERS of the MARINE REVIEW, Will be mailed to any address on receipt of $1. a= 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Sa ' CLEVELAND, oO. -KLING BROS, BOAT BUILDERS Hulls Iron or Steel up to 150 fi. in length. BOILER WORKS. Dock 287 Hawthorne Av. CHICAGO, ILL. WC NGLAEAN ANG NAIL Jaafar camantt ; | |] STARRETT' Fine Tools Warranted Accurate--Best in Workmanship--Latest in design-- Finest in Finish--Send for Cat-= alogue. L. S. STARRETT, Athol, Mass., U.S. A. bs Mic Kinnon [iron Works, Machinists, Engine Builders, Shipsmiths and Boiler Makers. ASHTABULA HARBOR, O. DEALERS IN Engineers' Supplies, Lubricating and Burning Oils, Steam, Deck and Suction Hose, and Air Pump Valves. We carry Largest Stock of these goods to be found between Cleveland and Buffalo, and sell at the lowest price. We solicit your trade while at this port. Now Is THE TIME.-- World's fair excursion via Nickel Plate road August 31st. One fare excursion to Chicago via Nickel Plate road, August 31st. Es- pecially low rates to the world's fair, August 31st, via Nickel Plate road.

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