Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 31 Aug 1893, p. 18

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' r 18 MARINE REVIEW. HARVEY D. GOULDER, LAV7AZTER AWD PRocTOR Iiv ADMIRALTY, CLEVELAND, O. COOK, CALBICK & CO. : Vessel Agents and Underwriters. RIALTO BLDG., No. 23 Sherman St., CHICAGO, ILL. W. H. COOK, CAPT. J, A. CALBICK. J. B. CLOUGH. Tel., Main, 56. Eee eee Se ea Go ees ATIORNEY AT LAW and PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. 218 Superior St., DULUTH, MINN. To Owners and Masters of Steam Barges. SOS We beg to call your attention to the fact that we have steam lighters at the ports of Cleveland, Ashtabula and Buffalo, specially equipped for fueling vessels, which enable us to run alongside steamers and fuel them. while they are unloading during day or night time. We also have fueling docks at the above ports, at which we can take care of vessels not desir- ing to avail themselves of the services of the steam lighters, We shall in the future, as in the past, handle nothing but the best grade of Pittsburg coal, and respectfully solicit your pat- ronage. PICKANDS, MATHER & CO, elor-at-L d RM ee corte Admiral Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Bryan Block, = JOHN MITCHELL. JOHN F. WEDOW. MITCHELL & CO., 164 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ALFRED MITCHELL. wessel and Insurance Agents, 509 and 510 Perry-Payne Building be vy" Reidence, John Mitchell, 3506. MOORES & GOFF, inAamirany 60-6! Moffat Block, DETROIT, MICH. MASON & TAFT, Marine Collections a specialty. 218 Society for Savings Bldg,, Cleveland,0. Office Telephone, 707. Wa. A. Moore. Wma. V. Moors. Joun H. Gorr, Telephone 2565. H. C. MASON. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, CLEVELAND, CELIO. TELEPHONE 876. WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY. Marine Collections. 626 Society for Savings Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. JOHN PRINDIVILLE, Vessel and Insurance Agent, {2 Sherman Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Telephone, Main, 129. C. A. Macdonald. J. J. Rardon. G. A. MACDONALD & CO. General Insurance Agents, CHICAGO, ILL J. H. NORTON. RIALTO BULLDING, H. S. LORD. LORD & NORTON, Attorneys-at-Law, Proctors and Advocates in Admiralty, DULUTH, MINN. White, Johnson & McCaslin, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Proctors in Admiralty, 26-27 Blackstone Building, CLEVE BuAWD, - Ozxxro. THOS. WILSON, MANAGING OWNER WILSON'S TRANSIT LINE. Gen. Forwarder. Freight and Vessel Agent. CLEVELAND, 0. C. F. Palmer. Chas. Hutchinson. J. Minch. PALMER & CO., Vessel Owners and Agents, (John H. Palmer and Jonn T. Hutch- inson, Associates.) Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. W.A. HAWGOOD, C. C. CANFIELD. HAWGOOD & CANFIELD, Vessel Agents and Marine Insurance, 604-605 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, - Onio. Telephone No. 2395. Capt. LYMAN HUNT. JAMES P. HUNT. L. HUNT & SON, Vessel BrokeragesMarine Insurance, Room 9, prchange Building. Telephone No. 522. No. 202 Main St., BUFFALO, N.Y. Law Offices. Notary Public and Stenographer. _ ORESTES C. PINNEY, Proctor in Admiralty, 521 & 522 Perry-Payne Blidg., CLEVELAND, O. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ano PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Marine Notary. ASHLAND, WIS. C. W. ELPHICKE, JAS, A, MYERS. C.W. ELPHICKE & CO., A. L, FITCH. -. Vessel Owners and Agents, Marine Underwriters, Rooms 10, 11 and 12, eSenc 8 Sherman St. WHEELER BLOCK. CHICAGO. Telephone 1194, E. T. HITCHCOCK, Average Adjuster, 184 Main St., ee BBA ©. IN ay Moore, Bartow & Gilchrist, Ship Brokers & Agents, Nos, 611 & 612 Perry-Payne Building, Superior Street, Cleveland, 0. H. J. WEBB & Co. SHIP BROKERS,VSSSEL OWNERS and AGENTS, Established in 1856. H. J. Webb & Co. will charter vessels for the lake trade. Special attention given to chartering ves- sels in the Lake Superior Iron Ore trade, both for the season and single trip. Aay-No. 606 & 607 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. Ofiice Telephone No. 338, Residence No 3228. J.T. ROSE. FRANK B. LAZIER, ROSE & LAZIER, Vessel Agents and Brokers, and Marine Insurance, 16 Board of Trade, Deaw re = alee Established 1857. THOMAS MARKS & CO., Merchants, Forwarders and Shipowners, Port Arthur, Canada. N. B.--Special attention given to char- tering vessels. IIT IT. F.L. TAFT. - Mullen-Gattield Coal Co. -- DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED ---- MANSFIELD AND YOUGHIOGHENY COALS. Docks at SANDWICH, ONTARIO, opposite the Fort at Detroit, with chutes for rapid fueling. Elevated docks and derrick at AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO. THE CUDDY-MULLEN COAL Co., Dealers in COAL. Docks at Government Pier, veal Isiand, ana Ad joining Globe Dry Doc ll fully equipped with Revolving Derricks; also, Lighter Carrying Derrick ts a One Hundred Two and One-Half Ton Buckets, -- Main Office, 81 Perkins Building, East Side of Main Street Bridge. Dock Office, 127 West River St., Cleveland, O. Telephone No. 8. Boats Coaled Day and Night. Docks at Amherstburg, Ohio & Pennsvlvania Coal Co. FUEL DEPARTMENT. MINERS AND SHIPPERS, Youghiogheny and Ohio Steam Coals. Steamboats, Tugs, etc., Coaled day or night, Docks Foor Wrest RivER STREET. WHISKEY ISLAND GOVERNMENT Pirr andC. & P. R. R. Stirs. Also STEAM LIGHTER--Equipped with Revolving Derrick and (100) two ton buckets. Telephone 1608. Office, 130 West River St., CLEVELAND, OHIO. THE HUBBARD COAL CO. S. B. HUBBARD, Manager. WHOLESALE COAL, {Actgon.oug o7pcimuty. Office with R. B. Hubbard & Son, Wholesale Lumber, SANDUSKY, OHIO. SNELLING'S PATENT STEERER For Steamers, Ships, Tugs, Yachis, Coal Barges, Etc. The drum has power- H ful internal gearing. No Purcuasr Biocks needed. if Simple asthe common » 'wheel and drum." Powerful as any Screw Steerer. An excellent relief or auxiliary gear for vessels that steer by steam. Send for Circular. J. H. SNELLING, 158 South Street, NEW YORK. "Cleveland to Buffalo while you sleep." Cleveland & Burfalo Transit Co, Magnificent Side Wheel Steel Steamers. "State of Ohio," and 'State of New York." DAILY TIME TABLE. (Sundays included.) L've Cleve., 7:15 p.m. | L've Buff., 7:45 P.M. Ar. Buffalo, 7:30 a.m. | Ar. Cleve., 8:00 A.M. (Central Standard Time.) Special Saturday Night Excursions to Niagara Fails. 8G-Write for our tourist pamphlet. H. R. ROGERS, W. F. HERMAN, Gen'! Pass. Agt. Gen'! Agt. T. F. NEWMAN, Gen'l Mgr , Cleveland. U S. ENGINEER OFFICE 34 West Congress e st., Detroit, Mich., July 29, 1893. Sealed proposals for (A) centrifugal pumps; (B) the drivi g machinery : and (C) the Babcock & Wil- cox boilers for pumping plant for St. Mary's Falls Canal will be received at. this office until 2 p.m. September 27, 1893, and then publicly opened, Specifications, blank forms, and all available in- formation will be furnished on application to this office, O. M. POE, Col. Corps of Engineers, &e. 8-24 H.A. BARR, PRESIDENT, F.H.VANCLEVE,Src. CAPT. GEO. BARTLEY, Sut. Escanaba. Escanaba. Escanaba. -ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraulic Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready. TUG MONARCH, Engine Compound, Cylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 30 inch. TUG DELT GS. pitake ipyeam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds. t A, | Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds. UG OWEN, | Cylinder 20 by 20, Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds. CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction DRAWING Taught by Mail, Also, MECHANICS, Mining, Prospecting, Arithmette, ete. To begin, students only need know how to read and write. DIPLOMAS Awarded. Low Prices. Send for FREE Cil- cular to The Correspondence School of Mechanics, Scranton, Pa 9

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