16 MARINE REVIEW. TERLING, WELCH & C0. 12 and 14 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, O. BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, &c., &c. | 1894. MARCH. Bendny. Moentay "wesiay Wednesday Theraday wm 'RST OR ua Moos had I Gist an 452 6 78 II 1213 14 15 16 17 18 uo 2) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JENKINS STANDARD PACKING For Steam or Joint Packing has no superior. ' thicknesses. Itis not LOADED to in- crease weight. Does not ROT or BURN OUT. eke, sheet is stamped with Trade Mark, like cut. JENKINS BROS., New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY. nase PRICES REASONABLE Lorain Machine and Repair Shop, ED. A. FULLER, PROPRIETOR, Broadway, between Fifth and Sixth Aves., - LORAIN, O. Shop well equipped for repairs to machinery while boats are discharging and taking on cargoes. EDWARD C. WEAVER, LL. M., 900 F, (op.Pat.Office.) Washington, D. C. Attorney and Counsel- lor in Patents, Trade Marks, Revenue Claims and all claims against the U.S. Make a clear statement of _yopr invention or Claim, and I will advise you free of charge. Send stamp for my phamphlet. ger hack deeN: ce FRANK L. DYER, 918 F. Street, Washington, D. C. References: American Steel Barge Co.; Capt. Alexander McDougall. _ MAKE YOURSELF A MECHANICAL ENGINEER OR DRAUGHTSMANR ; or qualify to take charge of, or superintend the manu- facture. of machinery, by devoting your idle hours to HOME STUDY by the method or The Correspondence School of Mechanics, y SCRANTON, PA. _ The course embraces Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Elementary Mechan- ies, Hydromechanics, Pneumatics, 'Heat, Mechanical Drawing, Steam and Steam Engines, Strength of Materials begin, students need only know how to read and write. MODERATE CHARGES. SEND FOR FREE CIRCULAR. DIPLOMAS AWARDED. It is manufactured in all . 'SSAVINGS BANK BLOCK, , Applied Mechanics, Boilers, Machine Designs, Electricity, etc. To Photograph of Your Steamer. We have one photograph of each steamer named below and will send them to any address for 75 cents each, or $1 for two to the same address. 'The size is 9 by 7 inches, mounted on cards of 11 by 14 inches. They are well worth the money. Address the MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O: SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE RATES. ' M. H. Boyce, Lycoming, J. C. Perrett, Arabia, Tioga, Geo. Smith, City of Rome, SS) Curry, F. S. Vance, City of Naples, Louisiana, Lawrence, City of Paris, W. M. Egan, Indiana, Virginia, Onoko, Thos. Maytham, Chemung, Albany, Philadelphia, Pontiac, Viking, Sachem, John Rugee, C. F. Bielman, Florida, F. W. Wheeler, _ ~ Topeka, R. P. Flower, Geo. F. Williams, | Minnesota, Conestoga, New York, S. C. Baldwin, Russia, C. A. Eddy, America, St. Lawrence, W. A. Avery, Wissahickon, Neosho, ro Robt. Mills, City of Fremont, Gladstone, Conemaugh, Sam1 Mather, Caledonia, Gogebic, Merrimac, Rosedale, Petoskey, Milwaukee, Helena. | Tacoma, -- Panther, Italia, J. P. Donaldson, Edward Smith No. 1. Ooh SA Clit nA re! ALUMINUM BRONZE PROPELLER WHEEL, WITHOUT DOUBT THE STRONGEST WHEEL IN EXISTENCE. Diameter, 7 ft. 6 in.; Pitch, 9ft.9in.; Weight, 2,100 lbs. Made from H. G. Trout pattern, It isnew, having been made to test metal. Hub has not been bored. Address for tests and further information, Cowles Electric Smelting and Aluminum Co., Lockport, New York. SUCCESS ASSURED FOR THE 1894 BDITION oF THE INLAND MARINE DIRECTORY. The 7th annual edition of this Directory will come from press about April 15th, and in its leading feature, 'Correct Lists of Vessels," including those owned in Canada, it will eclipse all Vessel Registers or Directories heretofore pubiished. Its advance sales and advertising patronage are both at this date larger than in any former year. YOUR ADVERTISEMENT IS SOLICITED. YOUR TRADE WILL BE BENEFITTED BY IT, YOUR CUSTOMERS WHO USE IT will be glad to number you among its supporters. It is the only Directory of the merchant marine published. Subscription price $5.00, payable on delivery, which includes your name and address under one to three headings in Business Directory portion of the work. Write me for terms and space relative to advertising. be at hand by April 1st. HARVEY C. BEESON, Publisher, 14 WALKER BLOCK, DETROIT, MICH. Roper's Practical Hand - Books Matter for advertising must Mention this paper. A Catechism of High Pressure or Non-Condensing Steam Engine $2.00 ENING MS PELAN CY "BOOKS. ere yc. hic ies., dec acscvens ome ocl oss csekeelieres 3.50 Hand-Book of Land and Marine Engines....... ........c.c:ccsececcesesee coos Ss 00 Hand-Book of Modern Steam Fire Engines..... .........:-ccccccscsess ceeeees 3 50 Hand BOOK Of GhesbOGOMOtlVer riers, crite ccc ecco tcteatstossessssoecsecne 2.50 Instructions and Suggestions for Engineers and Firemen....... ......... 2.00 Questions and Answers for Engineers ............ccccccccscesseecsscceencecccerereees 3.00 The Steam Boiler ; Its Care and Management...............cecccccecseccereeeese 2.00 Hea vOunPyHN PI Nees Ow BOOKe te ee 3.00 Use anu Abuse of the Steam Boiler 200 Any of the above books will be sent to any part of the United States or Canada on receipt of list price. Descriptive catalogue mailed free by EDWARD MEEKS, Publisher, 1312 Filbert st., Philadelphia, Pa. P.M. CHURCH cc CO., SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION.