16 MARINE REVIEW. TERLING 1894. JUNE. 1804 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursia, triday Saturday eer amen aT ad sgt 1 2 Sh edema, 9 fOmee i2e SLAs LO (72138: FO! 2o' 21 22°23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JENKINS STANDARD PACKING For Steam or Joint Packing has no superior. !t is manufactured in all thicknesses. Itis not LOADED to in- crease weight. . Does not ROT or -BURN OUT. Every sheet is stamped with Trade Mark, like cut. JENKINS BROS., New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. Promptly secured. Trade-Marks, Copyrights and Labels registered. T'wenty- five years ex- ~ perience. We report whether patent can be secured or not, freeofcharge. Our fee not due until parent is allowed. oe apane Book Free. H. B. WILLSON O., Attorneys at Law, Opp. U. 8. Pat, Office. Wasi NCTON, D.C. EDWARD C. WEAVER, LL. M., bar fas ce ea LS. 900 F, (op.Pat. Office.) FRANK L. DYER, Washington, D.C Attorney and Counsel- 918 F. Street, Washington, D. C. Jor in Patents, Trade Marks, Revenue References: American Steel Barge Co.; Capt. Alexander McDougall. Claims and all claims against the U.S. Make a clear statement of your invention or claim, and I will advise you free of charge. Send stamp for my phamphlet. MAKE YOURSELF A MECHANICAL ENGINEER OR DRAUGHTSMAN ; or qualify to take charge of, or superintend the manu- facture of machinery, by devoting your idle hours to HOME STUDY by the method or The Correspondence Schoo! of Mechanics, SCRANTON, PA. The course embraces Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, OAT Hlementary Mechan- ics, Ilydromechanics, Pneumatics, Heat, Mechanical Drawing, Steam and Steam Engines, Strength of Materials, Applied Mechanics, Boilers, Machine Designs, Klectricity, ete. To begin, students need only know how to read and write. MODERATE CHARGES. SEND FOR FREE CIRCULAR, DIPLOMAS AWARDED, WELCH @ te a 12 and 14 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, 0. BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, &c., &c. SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE RATES. 9000 CANDLE O CANDLE. Bawenn ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR Dry Docks and Night Loading. PORTABLE, ENTIRELY SELF-CONTAINED, REQUIRES NO OUTSIDE MOTIVE POWER, UNAFFECTED BY WEATHER, NO SPRAY, NO SMOKE, SAFE AND ECONOMICAL. IN USE ON 15 DRY DOCKS ON THE LAKES. ae (eFor further particulars, address ALSO ADAPTED FOR iron and Stee! Heating, WW TL ETAM HALPIN, Successor to KEEGAN & HALPIN, 45 and 46 Washington St., NEW YORK. For Hull and Boiler Plates, Tubes, Bending, Straighten- ing and Laying Up Work. P.M. CHURCH ce CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandaiery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. A NEW CAN BE Bought at COST. ADDRESS J. MM, SHALLENSERGER, Assignee Simmerly Derrick Co. WILSHIRE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. KK SS SY S ERS. SS ON ASO Py age (orn RTs FOR EMBOSSING fu lip la : FOR A CIAIR 6 ONTARIO'S SIS "angle Me IELLPHONE 501 /