MARINE REVIEW. 3 MARINE ENGINES, Dt etal WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, eet sit REPAIRS. :: 320 ATWATER STREET, DETROIT, MICH. Serves' Ribbed Steel ) BOILER and STAY TUBES 'Show an average economy in fuel of 15 per cent. In steamers this means not only so much saving in cost of coal or increased power, but additional freight capacity. FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION. Docs Your COMmUtatOT Cut of Spark ? ---- iF' So,-- TRY OUR SELE-LUBRICATING DYNAMO BRUSH, WHICH ABSOLUTELY PREVENTS IT. MANUFACTURED BY The F. P. Little Electrical Construction and Supply Co. No. 135 Seneca St., BUFFALO, N.Y. SEND FoR PRICES. BACK END. "GN3 LNO&S vesseiswith LS. G. Graphite Paint. NO BLISTERING, CRACKING OR SCALING. Made especially for Stacks, Decks, Sides, Hulls and Water Com- partments. Strictly anti-rust, and most durable and economical. DETROIT GRAPHITE MFG. CO., 541 River St., Detroit, Mich. PURVES' RIBBED STEEL BOILER FURNACE FLUE. With this style of Furnace Flue the rivets at the "back ends" are out of the line of fire, and all that has to be done to remove it isto cut out the rivets at the ends and slip it through the front; and to replace it, simply to slipit back in its place and rivet up the ends again without disturbing any other part of the boiler. Nosmith work is required to fit it in a EE LL. 3 boiler or to refit it when replaced. It is ready for use as it comes from the manufacturers. This style of flue has been in use six years without a single complaint. Over 12,000 of Purves' Ribbed Steel Furnace Flues in successful use in Marine Boilers. Bethlehem lronGompany | C#AEt=s.w.. warrxey. 64, 66 €68 BROADWAY, - - NEW YORK. | PRINCIPAL OFFICE and WORKS: SouTH BETHLEHEM, PENNA. THE CONDIT FULLER CO. CLEVELAND, OHlo. Steel Rails, Open Hearth, Bessemer and Nickel Steel | sar iron, SHEET IRON, PLATE IRON, PIG IRON, Billets and Forgings. polen succes, cues eee ces, PLATE STEEL, Hydraulic Forged Shafting, Hollow or Solid. CLINCH RINGS, es "STEEL NAILS. Cranks, Rolls. Etc. Sales Agents of . aA ga THE CARBON STEEL Co. Rough Machined or Finished. Fluid Compressed Steel. wiinditarac eet GUNS and ARMOR. OPEN HEARTH STEEL, SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, New York Office, Philadelphia Office, ARCHES and STRAPS FOR VESSELS A SPECIALTY. 80 Breadway. 421 Chestnut St. Write for Prices and List of Sizes. y McMYLER pet Nd ae CO.,"°streer'S CLEVELAND, 0. ---+ SOLE MAKERS OF THE~--- _ Bt ae ATT my va diy PEO EL COAL, ORE AND COARSE. aaa Ree a ah WaT ate it Preity can Lift Load, Cama) Radius of Boom, Swing in Either Direction at Will of Operator, and can Propel Itself on Track any De- sired Distance. Ua ha Waa UL ie BUILDERS OF . CONVEYORS, COAL BUCKETS, ORE BUCKETS AND DUMP CARS.