MARINE REVIEW. I Illustrated Patent Record. SELECTED ABSTRACTS OF SPECIFICATIONS OF A MARINE NATURE--FROM LATEST PATENT OFFICE REPORTS. 525099. OAR-LOCK. George Garton, Millville, N.J., assijnor of one-half to Harry Murphy, same place. Filed May 3, i894. Serial No. 510,004. Claim: In an oar-lock, the combination of the base plate having the pin W, the slotted cap K adapted to be secured to the base plate and the gunwale of a boat, with the oar-lock having horns ¢, flange P, stem Y, and base X, said base having a groove S adapted to receive the pin W, and said slotted cap adapted to receive the stem Y of the oar lock. 526,122. BOOM FOR HOLDING ANO TOWING LOGS OR TIMBERS. Wesley F. Stevens, San Francisco, Cal. Filed Nov. '6, 1891. Serial No. 412.091. Claim: The herein described boom consisting in aseries of short longitudinally bored logs A, an endless chain extending through said bores, and a pair of transversely extending external stops 4 4, on the chain between the adjacent ends of every pair of logs; the said stops being ad- justable on the chain crossing the bores of the logs and spacing the logs apart. 525,178. SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOAT. George C. Baker, Chicago, III.; Mary R. Baker,ad- ministratrix of said George C. Baker, decea ed. Original application filed March 14, 1893. Serial No. 465,983. Divided and this application filed Sept. 25, 1893. Re- newed July 10, 1894. § rial No. 617,165. Claim: First, in a submarine boat, and in combination, with the smoke outlet of the furnace and with an opening in the shell provided 525,099. OAR-LOocK. 525,178. SUBMARINE TORPEDO-BOAT. Tee NY 525,269. BOW-FACING OAR. Benjamin F. Kimsey, Te're H-ute, Ind. Filed Oct, 27, 1893. Serial No. 489,332. Claim: First, a propelling mechanism for small boats, comprising an oar formed in two sections, having gears at their adjacent ends held to mesh, a bearing member joining said gears, and a supporting guide se- cured to the boat, said bearing member being held on the said guide for a rocking movement and adapted to be moved laterally thereon. Second, as an improvement in propelling mechanisms for small boats, the com- bination with the laterally movable guide C, and the keeper G, of the con- necting plate EK, mounted to rock on such guide C, said plate having aper- tured projecting members @', the bolts F held therein, gears d d' journaled on such bolts, and the oar sections D D' secured to such gears d d'. Three Fastest Steam Yachts Known. The three swiftest steam yachts known, the Fiseen, Norwood and Buzz, were designed and built within the past few years, by Charles D. Mosher of New York. Of course, the boats were racers, pure and simple, one of them being built wholly for the purpose of testing theories as to what a fast boat should be, and none of them being of any practical use from a commercial standpoint. As all of these boats have attested records as to speed from persons entirely uninterested in them, the following par- ticulars regarding each will be of interest: Fiseen--Speed 31.6 miles per hour; 85 feetlong, 9 feet 8 inches beam, 42 inches draught; quadruple engines of 600 horse power at 600 revolu- 525.269. BOW-FACINGOAR" p Ve we o£ Sermi | = Pan : i i y mo with a seat, a vertically slidable smoke stack movable within said opening and having a cover for engagement with the seat when in a lowered posi- tion, openings in the stack adjacent to the cover, and a perforation in the - lower portion of the stack adapted to register with the the smoke outlet when the stack is raised. Second, in a submarine boat, a furnace for generating steam therein, said furnace having asmoke pipe leading there- from and terminating within the boat, and a smoke stack adapted to slide through an aperture in the shell of the boat aud having its ends closed and its side wall perforated near its respective ends, the lower perforation adapted to register with the delivery end of the smoke pipe when in its raised position. 625,179. SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOAT. George C. Baker, Chicago, Ill.; Mary R. Baker ad- ministratrix of said George C. Baker, deceased. Original application filed March /4, 1893. Serial No. 465,983. Divided and this application filed Sept. 26,1893. Re- newed July 10, 1894, Serial No. 617,156. Claim: The hull of asubmarine boat substantially wedge shaped at bow and stern and whose vertical diameter is greater than its horizontal diameter taken through the same point, the outward longitudinal lines of the hull from bow to stern being substantially the same throughout the surface thereof, provided with adjustable propelling mechanism whereby the movement of the boat in any direction is controlled. tions; cylinders, 9.5, 18.5, 18 and 24 inches by 10 inches stroke; boiler of Mosher water tube type, 1,200 square feet heating surface, 33 square feet grate and worked at 275 pounds pressure. : Norwood--Speed 30.5 miles per hour; 63 feet long, 7 feet 3 inche beam, 36 inches draught; triple expansion engines of 450 horse power, at about 560 revolutions; cylinders, 9, 14%4 and 22 inches by 9 inches stroke; boiler of Mosher water tube type, 800 square feet heating surface, 24 square feet grate. Buzz--Speed 29,6 miles per hour; 50 feet long, 6 feet 6 inches beam, two non-condensing engines of 194 horse power at 772 revolutions with 150 pounds of steam; cylinders 8 by 8 inches; boiler of locomotive type, 300 square feet heating surface, 8 square feet grate. Engravings of all three of these yachts appear in the last issue of the Engineer, New York. In a week or ten days, the steel freight steamer being built by the Globe Iron Works Company on its own account will be launched, and un- less a decline again occurs in lake freights completion of the ship will be hurried, so as to enable her to make three or four trips this fall. his boat is fitted for package freight business and is undoubtedly the staunch- est ship ever constructed by the Globe company. Her two boilers are the largest as yet built in this part of the country.