16 MARINE REVIEW. we oO . ; -PECK, Prest The TUG FAVORITE Coens STATIONED AT CHESOYGAN MICH. WITH COMPLETE WRECKING OUTFIT « tN CHARGE OF -- ) © Carr MARTIN SWAIN * CANADIAN WRECKER SAGINAW es waBLES V8.7) WRECK TW CANADIAN warcking Tue. 5 FAVORITE: ar Care oe Bair SRG BESUAT is eer Larse FOR MAEEAIG FY APDSES. ae « STEAM PUMPS AND SUB-MARINE WORK IN CHARGE OF fi JOHN S.QUINN, = Adcress aj! commenicateas. to f |), 4 STEAM PUMPS, lo JACKS, 2 HAWSzz ae SEPTEMBER. 1894. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Li Mood ASTOR «= MEW MOO® "uth 2nd 8D I oS 23.45.67 8 oe 1o 11' 12 13°14 15 | 5d 16 17 18 [9 20 21 22 Le ele 233024 25 26 27 28 290. (60 TON JACaS. IZ 1NCH HAWSER. ie o 2 -12 INCH ROTAR 1-14 INCH WORTHING Ee ee 10 eed , a T AND WANT THEM SIMPLE,STRONG AND TIGHT, EASILY AND CHEAPLY Whien on Wat V AL VEN seme Pee d LAST ON HIGH or LOW PRESSURE STEAM, Oits, AcipD, WaTeER, GAS ETC. we'll sell the JENKINS BROS. and GUARANTEE them best. WITH OUR TRADE MARK, : JENKINS BROS., New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago. EDWARD C. WEAVER, LL. M., ' 900 F, (op.Pat. Office.) 4 WaEKRCEROetes (take: ae ee ee cet, Attorney and Counsel- rm tatents, Trade | = FRANK L. DYER, Claims and all claims 918 F. Steet, your invention or Washington, D. C. danas: ane pee References: American Steel Barge Co.; against the U.S. Make a clear statement of charge. Send stamp fortny phampblet. Capt. Alexander McDougall. U S. ENGINEERS OFFICE, 34 West Con- ° gress street, Detroit, Mich., September 12. 1894,--Sealed prposals for furnishing all -labor, materials and appliances, and removing shoals of boulders, both bedded and loose, an other material, from vicinity of Ballard's Reef in Detroit river, will be received here until 2 p. m., standard time, October 12, 1894, and then publicly opened. All information furnished on _ application. O.M. POE, Col., Corps of euets. ct 4 A remarkable reduction in rates has been made to points in the west for Sept. 25 and Oct, 9. Ask agents of Nickel Plate road. 154-8 Home Seekers' Excursion--Sept. 25 and Oct. 9. Ask agents of Nickel Plate road. 153-8 FRANKLIN HOUSE! Cor. Bates & Larned sts, only a block from Wood- ward-& Jefferson Aves, DETROIT, MICH. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED. Very central. Per day, $1.50. H. H. JAMES. Promptly secured. 'Trade-Marks, Copyright and Labels registered. Twenty-five venharase penlente we report, weuber patent can be - J secur not, free of charge. ; scription within 30 days to the until patent is allowed. 32 page Bowl lek roes MARINE REVIEW, H. B. ILLSON & CO., Attorneys at Law, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland O, | Opp. U.S. Pat. Office. WASHINCTON, D.C. A copy of the 50-cent North West edition will be mailed to'any one sending a $2 sub- WELCH & C0: 12 and 14 Euclid Ave., CLEVELAND, O. a "OR ST CLAIR & ONTARIO'STS eee BOAT FURNISHING A SPECIALTY. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CURTAINS, &c., &. SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE RATES. A BCELEcTRICITY By WILLIAM H. MEADOWCROFT Endorsed by THOS, A. EDISON, WHAT THE PRESS SAYS. "A clear and comprehensive little treatise."-- NV. Y. Sun. ** Hlectric Science is making magnifl- cent strides and this book fills a usefui office in setting forth the features and characters of these advances."'--Brook- lyn Times. "The need of such a book has un- doubtedly been felt by many . . we predict for it a splendid sale."--The Age of Steel. "A book like this should be largely read."--N. Y. Herald. ' 'The book is well illustrated, and ne pains have been spared to make it ac- curate and reliable throughout."-- Electrical Review. "In simple language, the author lays bare the secrets of electrical science and application."--Electrical World. "A vast amount of useful importance."--Washington Post. From THE LABORATORY OF THos. A. EDISON, OrANGE, N. J., Sept., 24, 1888. DEAR S1R--I have read the MS. of your "A B C of Electricity," and find that the statements you have made therein are correct. Your treatment of the subject, and arrangement of the matter, have im pressed me favorably. Yours truly, 3 THOS. A. EDISON. eo, SO Cia. MARINE REVIEW, 516 Perry-Payne Bldg., CLEVELAND, OHIO. P.M. CHURCH « CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Ship Chandalery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Etc. FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. H. A. HAWGOooD, President. J. A. SMITH, Sec'y. PHILIP MINOH, Vice-President. S&0-ELSEY,Jr.,Gen.Mgr. 5" R' GpRaNKLE, Treas, _ The Cleveland Tug Co. Steam Pumps, Divers, Hawsers, Lifting Screws, ete., furnished promptly on orders by telegraph or otherwise. Steamers when outside wanting our Tugs, blow =one long whistle and as = (any short ones as they > want Tugs. Office, Open Day or Night, East End Main St. Bridge, Long Distance Telephone 919. CLEVELAND, OHIO. SSS RELIEF LINE WAL) HALF TONE Yay S< en Gi: VELAND O ala ed LEPHONE SOL / Z 5 % Uitlddipd Wu OG xc onectpngamimipamets sores ig Sorc Ar AM i ea gen