4 MAKINE REVIEW. Complete Electric Plants for Licht and Power On STEAMSHIPS, WHALEBACKS, YACHTS, DOCKS, WHARVES, Etc. Our system is complete in every detail. All our appliances are made to Governmental and Insurance requirements and are perfect. Write for prices and catalogues, GENERAL BLECTRICc COM PAWN =. SALES OFFICES: { STEAMBOAT CAPTAINS ENGINEERS, CREWS, BUY RAILROAD TICKETS Flot & Pere Marque WHEN GOING TO SAGINAW BAY GITY, MANISTEE, LUDINGTON, MILWAUKEE. SHORT LINE, CHEAP RATES, A.PATRIARCHE, Traffic Mer. SAGINAW, MICH. Schenectady, N. Y. Boston, Mass. RON TIS Chicago, Ill. JOGN C000, Sub-Marine Diver. © Headquarters at St. Ignace and Mackinaw, ch. Wanted For propellers on Chautauqua Lake. Call on or address Three Good Engineers Wages #75 per month, T. E. GRANDIN, Gen'! Supt. Chautauqua Stezmboat Co., May 8. Jamestown, N.Y. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC te TAKE THE -4-4---- = SS + . (a ; S . % es MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained in Boat Construction -- Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing, Decoration and Efficient Service, insuring the highest degree of COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Four Trips PER WEEK BETWEEN Toledo, Detroit # Mackinac PETOSKEY, 'THE Soe " MARQUETTE, AND DULUTH. LOW RATES to Piteteas Mackinac and Return, including [Meals and Berths. From eg » $18; from Tolede, $15; from Detroit, 13.50. EVERY EVENING Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Earliest Trains for all points Kast, South and Southwest and at Detroit for all points North and Northwest. Sunday Trips June, July, August and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Toledo Send for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address A. A. SCHANTZ, a. P. a., DETROIT, MICH. The Detroit and Cleveland Steam Nav. Go. a Lyle Line Carrying Gun. ESTABLISHED 1826. For Steamships and Tow Boats of best Bronze Gun Metal and racsimiLx of the Government Regulation Line saving Gun, mounted on handsome iron carriage and com plete with PATENT REEL for Line, and ac: companiments, furnished by us co the 'Cunard,' the '"'Pacific Mail," ""Warren Line," "Cramps of Philadelphia," "Philadelphia and Reading Co." "Leyland," 'Atlantic Transport," and many other steamship lines. This gun is of superior quality and conforms to full Government tests. Can be used for sal" utes as well as for life saving, also is invaluable for throwing a line to a wreck at sea. Also fine Bronze Yacht Guns--all kinds. Send for Circular and Price List. Also "Scotts," '"'Wesley Richards," and all makes FINE HAMMERLESS DOUBLE GUNS, and every article in the line. Send for our cata- logue. WILLIAM READ & SONS 107 Washington St, BOSTON. Detroit, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, O. New York, N.Y. San Francisco, Cal. IRON WORKS MARINE ENCINES, DETROIT, MICH. FOR SALE at a Bargain. The tug Henry Cylinders, 163x18; mew steel boiler; steel boiler house ; hull in first-class condition. This is a most favorable opportu- nity to procure a first-class tug for dredging outfit. For particulars apply to WILLIAM TRUBY, Fairport Harbor, 0., where tug can be seen, Buffalo, N. Y Portland, Ore. ---------- For Sale By The Middletown & Portland Bridge Co., the foilowing beats lately used by them for the ferry over the Connecticut river, connecting Middle- lown and Portland. Steamer Brownstone: 91 ft. long, 40 ft. beam, draws 6 ft. of water; tonnage 253 gross and 127 net; burns about 13 tons of coal per 15 hours; fitted with two condensing engines; speed about 9 miles per hour. Steamer Gildersleeve: 60 ft. long, 15 ft, beam, draws 4 ft. of water; tonnage 23 gross, 22 net. Have with same, 1 large scow and two landing bridges The whole are in good condition, having been lately used by us, but as we have no use for them, their place being taken by a bridge. THE MIDDLETOWN & PORTLAND BRIDGE CO. F.L. WILCOX, Treas. East Berlin, Conn: FOR SALE come The Steam Car-ferries "HURON" = ana "INTERNATIONAL Owned by the Grand Trunk Railway Company. ' PRON " " INTERNATIONAL" Length over all - = - 239 225 ft. Beam - - = z - 44 fis + Depth of hold - S = eats 12 e Wyre Woah SG ee eT 10 a ent -- Both boats are built of iron, and are equipped with twin screws, with indepen : engines and boilers. ; Particulars may be obtained from A. B. SS TER orH. ROBERTS, Grand Trunk Railway, DETROIT, MICH The United States Standard Register of Stig. 'ii F Providing the only Standard Classification based on Construction Rules Designed for Lake Vessels. Classed Vessels Receive the Lowest Rates of Insurance. SURVEYORS. cae | are ance STUART, Surveyor of Iron and Steel Construction a0 al ; Pe . accccccncccccossoseseee® Poe eorcereeeoeeserreeesessansen® SOSSOCESeseseeres ess eenes Hea sessssecesseseeescesesesresccesenesesnee® for District comprising Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron and Lake Erie, 35 + EDWARD GASKIN, Potter Building, Main Street, Buffalo, N. ¥- SuTe} a DWAR ASKIN, Potter Building, Main Stree 9 District comprising Lake Ontario and Lake' Erle, as far West 4s, put 2 not inclu Oleveland, O. i will pe receite Application for survey of vessels and subscriptions to Register Boo: by the surveyors or at the office of re } A The United States Standard Steamship Owners' Builders a Dadereriten 'As't Post Bullding, 16 and 18 Exchange Pyase,