16 ; MARINE REVIEW. GRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO. TOLEDO, OHIO, Metal ¢ Wooden Ship Builders. New Dry Dock--450 feet ilong, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, {6 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A Specialty. Chicago, Jan. 13, | 1896. THE ROBERTS : Bor.er Co. _| Gentlemen: I | cannot see but that the boilerin the "MamieC" is ,| just as goodas it ever was, even if it is 17 years old. I had no com- plaint from it ___ | last summer. Yours truly, A. H. CLARK. THE ROBERTS BOILER is the Cheapest, Best and Lasts Longest. Adapted for use in Yachts, Launches, and Vessels of all Kinds. Handsome Illustrated Circular sent free on application to The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co., WORKS, RED BANK, N. J. ROPOSALS FOR IMPROVING ERIE HAR- BOR, Pa., S. Engineer office, D. S. Morgan Building, Buffalo, N. Y., June to, 1896, Sealed proposals for dredging, and furnishing and placing rip-rap stone at Hrie Harbor, Pa. will be received here until 11 0'clock 4. ., July 20, 1896, and then publicly opened. In forma- tion furnished on application. T.W.SY Major, Engrs. Ji ae 18. EOS Combiued Bitl, Winch and Sheet Holder. Patented in the United States, England and Canada. Takes the place of wooden or iron bitts' and forms a Combination Bitt and Winch. 'Takes up less room than the ordinary bitt. Can be used to great advantage as a Windlass or Sheet Holder on Yachts. An examination will convince you of the many uses to which it can be put. Carried in stock by Ship Chandlers everywhere. THE ENOS SHEET HOLDER CoO. Manufacturers and Proprietors, PEABODY, MASS. P.M. CHURCH ce CoO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH LEADING DEALERS IN Shiv Chandlery, Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. FIRST-OLASS COPPERSMITH AMD TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. 39 & 41 Cortlandt St., NEW YORK. INCORPORATED 1794, Insurance Company of North America. CAPITAL, PaidupinCash, = - %3,000,000.00 ASSETS,. = = = = = = = 9,487,673.53 CHARLES PLATT, President. WILLIAM.A. PLATT, Vioo-President, EUGENE L. ELLISON, 2nd Vice-President. GREVILLE KE. FRYER, Seo'y. & Treas. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department, ""cwtonco, nis. CHICACO, ILLS. Gas Engine & Power Co. Morris Hzicuts, New York Crry. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF The Only Naphtha Launch. ALSO BUILDERS OF High Glass Steam Yachts and Electric Launches, Send 10 cent stamp for Catalogue. Captains will find some 75 or 100 pages of the Blue Book of American Shipping devoted to their interests. Write to the MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, for reasonable terms upon which the book may be obtained by men aboard vessels. 'Far better than anything ever published in the same line" is the general verdict on the Blue Book of American Shipping. Price $9. Order from MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, Our Chain In use on the Largest Steamers on Chain Department #* P. HAYDEN § 5. HO Columbus, Ohio. the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, | North West and North Land, and many others. ~~, All kinds of Chain-- \ Stud and Clese Link, Cable Chains, Write fer Prices. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO, °° 5°%.s:_rrovipence, e "Providence" Windlasses and Capstans 850 STYLES AND SIZES. OVER 5000 IN USK. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FRANE &. MANTON, Aczwr.