Ne 6 MARINE REVIEW. Thousands of Imitators. No Equal. Will Hold Highest Pressure. MR. JOHN H. DEMINC, Detroit, Mich. General Superintendent Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Oo. AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. STEEL and METAL SHIPS Of all classss built on the Shortest Possible Notice at our yards at West pete, Le and also at Everett, Wash. os Plates & ere Best Material Quality en of Oak on hand instock to Re- for Re- pair alt pairing kinds of Wooden Motal Vessels Shines): of all Shortest Classes.. Time. ' SIZE OF DOCK. Length, extreme......... 537 feet. Entrance, Top............ ee feet 9 i in Breadth, Top............ 90 " 4in, Entrance, Bottom........... Breadth, Bottom ........ 52 " Depth over Sills ............ 18 fe LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairsand Docking same as at lower lake ports SUPERIOR, WIS. A number c of Propellor Wheels in stock at Dry Dock. ~ Guddy-Mullen Coal Co. Lake Shippers of Steam Coal. _ FUELING DEPARTMENT FACILITIES: CLEVELAND HARBOR-- | Car Dumper; Eight Pockets; Three Steam Derricks ; Lighter. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH-- Amherstburg, Steam Derricks; Sandwich Ten Pockets and 'i! wo Steam Derricks. SAULT RIVER BRANCH-- Pocket Dock now under construction, Good Coal; Courteous Attention 3; Quick Dispatch, General Offices: Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. 9 <@uThe inventor of and the only man in the world who can make RAINBOW PACKINGS. Don't have to use wire and cloth to hold. RAINBOW. Can't blow it out. LOOK OUT FOR IMPOSTERS. Commencing Dec. 1st, we use Three Rows of DIAMONDS IN BLACK extending throughout the entire length of each and every roll. PATENTED AND MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Co. 16-24 Woodward Ave. 202-210 So. Water St. Chicago, Ill, 16 WARREN STREET, NEW YORK. 193-195 Bank St., Cleveland, O. The Cleveland wey Dock Co. 148 Elm St., Cleveland, O. Telephone 1616, Resid. be hene 4080, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Dimensions of Dock: Lth. over all, 360 ft. Lth.on blocks, 340 ft. Width of gate, 50 ft. Depth over sill, 20 ft, Capt.W.W. BRowy, Sec'y & Mgr. 9 : CLEVELAND: - ar IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING LINKS AND PINS. PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. PROJECTORS! 10 MILLION TO 100 MILLION CANDLE POWER. The only successful commerial light. Adopted and endorsed by leading steamship lines and builders. Have Replaced All Other Makes. CATALOG NOW READY. RUSHMORE DYNAMO WORKS, JERSEY CITY. N. J. ae Type D. Pilot House,