MARINE REVIEW. 21 CRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO. TOLEDO, OHIO, METAL 2 WOODEN SHIP BUILDERS. New Dry Dock--450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A SPECIALTY. | MARINE VALVE OILS" RENOWN ENGINE OTL iisesr Marine Valve, Eldorado Engine, Victor Signal, Mineral Seal, Artic Cup Greases, Renown Engine, Crank Case, Dark Lubricating, Head Light, and Lard Oils. -- CARRIED IN STOCK AT THE -- STANDARD OIL COMPANY'S MARINE DEPOT, | TELEPHONE 77. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, O. main OFFICE TELEPHONE 682. ALSO FOR SALE Chicago, Ill., No.6 Wabash Ave. Marinette, Wis. Buffalo, N. Y BY Racine, 'Wis. Oshkosh Wis, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis., Sroadway & Mason, Duluth, Minn quent BayCity Mich. M.C.Ry.& 10th8t STANDARD OIL Sheboygan, Wis, West Superior, Wis. Saginaw, Mich. ighth & Sears Sts. Manitowoc, Wis. Hancock, Mich. roit, Mich., abies COMPANY, Green Bay, Wis. Marquette, Mich. Toledo. O., Summit & Monroe Sts. ATLANTIO REFINING COMPANY, French & 16th S8ts., Erie, Pa. EDWARD BRAMMALL, Bunton Harbor, Mich, A. H. MCGONAGIL, South eee fl. D. ROBESON, Port Huron, Mich. BABY & DALE, St. Clair, Mich. MARINE SUPPLY (o., F - Faire W.8. McKinnon, Ashtabula Harbor, 0. N.C. ALTEN, Lorain, Oo. F, KRANZ, Sandusk 2s HULL & RAED, Huron, O, A, F. HARRINGTON, 'Conneaut Harbor, O, THE M.I1. Witcox CoRDAGE & SUPPLY Oo., Toledo O IS97 Blue Book of American Shipping "IS THE BEST BOOK OF THE KIND EVER PUBLISHED,"' at least that seems to be the almost universal verdict of purchasers and advertisers, BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, 409 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND 0. ge@s-ORDER A COPY, Price $5, and if you are not satisfied with the book, we will pay express both ways and credit the $5. "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw.--R. HAMMOND. THE BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING 409 Perry Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 25 LAKE STEAMERS. Every eee: eee eee Sediment ocr Dirt bettie' Company' cale@=-F or . y Offerof the Daasedentt ROBERT LEARMONTH veo | Le fay? Bf. 200 LAFAYETTE AVENUE, - _ BUFFALO, N. Y. Bis, Kedhadfhinz ae ae SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Names of Steamers on the Lakes fe Marine Review, using the Cleveland, Ohio. Buffalo Feed Water 3 Heater and Purifier. Gentlemen:- Rep STAR LinK.--Str. Robert Yours of July 21st, with the 1897 Blue Book of American Ship- Mills, Str. ee ac 'ping sent on appraval, arrived here during my absence. Our Auditor will Bay Ciry, MicH.--Str. H. v. ; Sibley, Str. B. Boutelle. Se Sia aa coaortiste. ereditable and interesting publication. r. Sehu f : - Sasquehanna, Str. Clarion, Str. Lehigh, Str. India, Str. China, Str. Japan, Str. Lycoming, Str. Z Pie Conemaugh, Str. Juniata, Str. Bette KG Alaska, Str. Delaware, Str. Con- estoga, Str. Wissahickon, Str. to-day remit you the $5. due for the book, which is certainly a very Yours truly, Fe ae ee Lane IS USED FOR REFERENCE BY THE PRINCIPAL TRANSPOR- SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION TATION COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES. Co.--Str. Manitou.