SE eR ac) A pal RMR + Sos, ea alte thee a eke he Cae < < : MARINE REVIEW For all Washing and Cleansing use SOFTENE* IT IS THE BEST FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS f | | "Sone cans) Prepared expressly for the Vessel Trade, for washing dishes and fj) ain woodwork, and scrubbing floors. For DISH WASHING it has i x W - NO EQUAL. Leaves no residuum of soap, as is ordinarily the case s ae " / with Cheap Soap of Soap Powders, when dishes are washed hurriedly. ff a Woo | LARGEST PACKAGE 9) i, : _ Softene Metal Polish -- cee Y ---Will polish with Least Labor and leave the Brightest Lustre. 9 at ___Sotene Boiler Compound SSS I" For the removal and preven- oe : tion of Scale, Grease and | | : Gu ava H de ced. . 'Dirt in Steam Boilers with- | Wi out injury to iron. - a PRRRRRRARRRARRRARRRSSASSAAASASSSSSSSR NS SSaeIIaeaoaoOOD ADO DOD DODD DOO ADA DAA ASD