MARINE REVIEW. 33 SESTABEISHED 1857. American Sbip Udlindlass Company, PROVIDENCE, R. I. BUILDERS OF THE TKK ROKK "Providence" Windlasses and Capstans, _ FOR ALL TYPES OF VESSELS, FROM THE FINEST NAVAL VESSEL © TO THE SMALLEST YACHT. THE GREAT MAJORITY OF THE VESSELS OF THE NEW NAVY HAVE OUR WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS. During the past year we have furnished the outfits for a large number of vessels built on the Lakes by the Cleveland Ship Building Co., the Chicago Ship Building Co., the American Steel Barge Co., Capt. James Davidson, F. W. Wheeler & Co., the Globe Iron Works Co., the Craig Ship Building Co., and others. ALSO BUILDERS OF THE SHAW AND SPIEGLE PATENT AUTOMATIC STEAM TOWING MACHINE. The only practical invention which will automatically relieve the hawser from the severe strains which come upon it in towing, and ~ which will automatically take up the slack when the strains decrease. Over SIXTY of these machines have been sold, and they have proved in practical operation, under severe tests, to be perfectly automatic, reliable, economical, and a great factor of safety. We have just sold nine of these ee machines to the Navy Department to put on colliers, for towing men-of-war, ae loaded with « supplies, and other vessels. THE "PROVIDENCE" TUG BOAT, BARGE AND SCHOONER OUTFITS, THE WINTER PATENT WHARF DROP, STEAM AND HAND WINCHES, HAND AND STEAM CAPSTANS AND STEAM GYPSEYS, GYPSEY WINDLASSES, BABBITT'S PATENT IMPROVED STOCKLESS ANCHORS, EMERY & CHENEY CHAIN STOPPERS, RUDDER SUPPORTERS, ETC.--ALL MANUFACTURED BY THE AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS COMPANY. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Address FRANK S. MANTON, Agent. \X LEE L EEE LEE EEE ELE E EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EP EEE PEEL . bad nfo oe he efe fo of efe ef he bir Bi in hin in iv ohn iv Sn bn in oh Shipbuilding Machinery. SSSSsSsSSSeSeSec|™| 'APPLIANCES FOR HANDLING Plates, Structural Work, Ete. in SHIPBUILDING YARDs. Machinery for Handling COAL and ORE. oe CRANES of all types, Seal and Hand Power. THE BROWN HOISTING & CONVEYING MACHINE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Boehecferfecfcfoefocfocfehucfocfoechoehoefvefvehoefocfecfeefecgecfecfecheche hehe edoedoedoedociecdecbecboebe cho cheheade be obo obo obo edo heeds es Bir Si ei en en ee an an a i i i i on neal nde whe ae ae oe oe ne uh ahah aaa