Great Lakes Art Database

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 18 Aug 1898, p. 17

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MARINE REVIEKW. wy Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and U nited Stat Light House Departments, for Channel and Harbor Lighting ; over 800 ais buoys and gas beacons in service. Brilliant and Steady Illumination. fee-- Burn Continuously iccste cg: and astts seen a distance of six mnuiles. SAFETY CAR HEATING Controlled Economical and Reliable in Operation. Ws by the AND LIGHTING Co., 160 Broadway, New York City. MARINE ENGINES. Quadruple and triple expansion, compound and simple.. 15 to 3000 Horse Power. "SEABURY'S" WATER TUBE BOILERS. STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. THE ONLY NAPHTHA LAUNCH. -- GAS ENGINE & POWER CO., ano CHARLES Ee SEABURY & CO. Consolidated. MORRIS HEIGHTS, NEW YORK CITY. SEND 1O0c. STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Fred'k Baldt, President. W. M. Gelston, Vice-President W.S. Bickley, Sec'y and Treas, Balt Patent DlOCKIeSs Anchor. Made of the finest quality of open-hearth steel and constructed on the ball and socket principle. Many points of superiority over ordinary Stockless Anchors. BALDT ANCHOR COMPANY, CHESTER, PA. WALTER MILLER, Western Reserve Bldg.. Cleveland, Ohio, Representative for the Great Lakes. ("New catalogue containing valuabl> tables sent on application. Lake Carriers' Oil Company, JOHN CORRIGAN, MANAGER, | PRIE Re 720 PERRY-PAYNE BLDG., | © CAR 'S CLEVELAND, 0. _ | - ¥ : dtp >» Warehouse, 235 Merwin Street. YY Ay N°. " oe | MANUFACTUR RS OF wy LAKE CARRIERS' om N a Ba i ye VALVE so | "%, ()} I Ja o . o® Engine Oil, Lard Oil, Tallow E PL ANY " 0 0 and Cup Grease. FOR SAL BY BARRY BROS., Duluth and Chicago. J. P. NAGLE, Toledo, 0. C. H. McCUTCHEON, Buffalo, N. Y. W. S. McKINNON, Ashtabula Harbor, 0. WILLIAMSON BROS. Cor. Richmond and York Sts., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Hoisting Engines ana Ship: Steering Engines. With either Frictional Spur or Worm Gear of various Patterns to - suit all purposes. Over {50 of the largest and most modern lake steamers have our steerers. ORDERS FOR FOREIGN ACCOUNT. ALL a een 3 ARE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO DELAYS BY ue ove ata ROK wre RIKES, LOCK-OUTS, FIRES, OR CAUSES BEYON: ID OUR fern CIAL DEVICES FOR auDH ING MATER HAL OF NEW YORK a EVERY DESCRIPTION. HorsT! FERENGINES RICTION CLUTCHES Be BUILDERS OF EveRY © TYPEOF HANDAND + HIGH SPEEO POWER CRANES. OFFICE & WORKS, COR MAMILTON & BELDEW STS. Cleaclind, G7 'June 21, 1898. CABLE ADDRESS, LONG MISTANCE TELEPAOND ""BROWNHOIST" G a suoRSan 8 CO CEN EANO O Marine Review, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, @. Gentlemen :- Please deliver to us five Blue Books of American shipping for use in England, Germany and Russia. Yours truly, THE BROWN. 110 RS Jat ONVEYING ork 00. Pur. Agt, ce ingoneee BY Pik er one: AND PILOTS. St. Louis Harbor, No. 28, fimeriean Assoeition of Masters and Pilots of Steam. Vessels. 1 ROOM 600, Railway Exchange Building, July 5, 489 8 Marine Review, Cleveland, 0. Dear Sirs :- We are in receipt of your very fine Blué Book of American Shipping and met say it is one of the nicest books of the kind I ever saw. We appreciate it very highly. with our very kindest regards to you, I am respectfully, Kokue. &. ae dat rere" Wk 27-

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