MARINE 20 REVIEW. - SS The wootters Gas Enezine, | ae /\ Especially adapted for launches and ferry boats. Fitted with friction clutch or reversible shaft. ect 119] W, jie "RICHARDS on, These engines are giving entire satisfaction in the pleasure yacht W. C. Richardson and the delivery launch Lotta. Prices and particulars furnished on application. NAPHTHA LAUNCH W. C. RICHARDSON, (Engine 8 'horse power--speed 8 miles an hour.) Suitable for al] Purposes quiring from 1 to 200 horse. ' with the lowest Possible expen Engines of the Stationary built for every purpose Where , reliable and efficient Power {, required. ture. BUILT BY THE... - + McMYLER MFG. CO., GAS ENGINE DEPARTMENT, 180 Columbus St., CLEVELAND, 9, CANADIAN WRECKER SAGIN Bee « > = + STEAM PUMPS AND SUB-MARINE WORKIN CHARGE OF eS JOH i a econ sient aerk S ATIONED AT CHEBOYGAN,MICH. | TH COMPLETE WRECKING OUTFIT GELOF ie : | STATIONED ENABLES US TI WATERS ~ : a S.9uU1) Address ali communications to . ~ 2AM PUMDS, 10 JACKS, 3 HA _ = GE Sage _AGOAL and ORE PUMP. Pree eats x _ 3-l2 INCH ROTARY. 1is98 AUGUST 1898. 10-100 TON JACKS. _ INCH WORTHINGTON. SUN THON [yues Twepeimur [PRI TSAT | te Ne 7\8/9 Ol I2)13 | Ze | 14]15/16]17)18)19|20 | yen 21/22/23/24/25126/27 = * Capt. PL. MILLEN | 2 30 : 8|29 TELEGRAPH | =N, : : SS 2 & MILLE? Ship Lamps OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS FOR Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. \ Hoisting Breines. We build them in all sizes from new and i designs, Every engine thorou hly teen aes leaving our pupae guaranteed to be satisfactory in every case. hen in want ¢* i i eye "2 Hoist for marine " ock work, mining or any oth \ kindly permit us to na SW ores: SS WEN pignaeee me you prices, We aad Ze ~~ . is --~ Marine Iron Co., Bay city, Michigan. STANDARD AUTOMATIC RELEASING HOOK For NAPTHA LAUNCHES and boats of all sizes and descriptions. Will release a boat immediately in the roughest sea or under speed and can be hooked on without delay or injury to the hands of men hooking iton. For further information ap- ply to 2zZ.$TAND'T AUT. RELEAS'G HOOK CO., N 22 and 24 State Street, New Yerk. For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, ete., of every desoription, for Steam Engines, Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Companies: within the last twelve years, in this and foreim countries. FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip.joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure; also MHTAL GASKETS for all kinds of flanges and joints. Dovsiz-AcTING BALANCED WATER-TIGHT BULKHEAD Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl-Cumming Patent Liq RuppEer Brake. For full particulars and reference, address; L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., co KATZENSTRIN'S Self-Acting METAL PACK, WG Yi J Pa | | Iie Yl General Machinists, Brass Finishers, EngIneers' Suppllos, aes 357 West St., New York. SMITH PORTABLE TELEPHONE C0. J5 South Canal St., Chicago, Ill. Manufacturers of TELEPHONES. and Dealers in Our Portable Telephone is especially adapted for Vessels, Mines, Ore, Coal, or Lumber Docks, Warehouses, Elevators, etc., and is 4 great improvement over the unreliable speaking tubes in use. Write for particulars and testimonials. WE ALSO FURNISH ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. -- St. Lawrence River Route. 029.00 CLEVELAND T0 Thousand Islands AND RETU RN. Berth and Meals Included. The newly fitted steamers ENE State and Badger State are now Sal semi-weekly to swe, Thousand Islands & Osdenstlte Through tickets to Montreal, ar bec and ail northeastern sum resorts. Service first-class. The Northern Transit Co. FARASEY & MARRON, GENERAL AGENTS, at 107-15 River stre TELEPHONE MAIN 2049, Boats leave Cleveland in August--Tuesdays, 2nd, 16th and 30th, Thursday5: ith and 25th, Sundays, 7th and 2Ist.