MARINE REVIEW. 3 al --_--_-- See camutss cop prawn S4CCL BOER Pie MANUFACTURED FROM SOLID ROUND BAR--NO LAPS, SEAMS OR WELDS. Cold Drawn Finish and Density of Metal prevent pitting and corroding. Only Highest Grade of Material used. Sulphur and Phosphorus guaranteed not to exceed 025%. Correspondence Cold Drawing renders Metal very Tough, increases Tensile Strength and Elongation. . coy Tubes do not Split or Crack when re-rolled in Tube Sheet. Solicited. SEND US SAMPLE ORDER AND VERIFY ABOVE STATEMENTS. SHELBY STEEL TUBE COQ., 1 smerncsa 'trust Building, Cleveland, O. MILLS: Ellwood City, Pa., Shelby, Ohio., Greenville, Pa., Toledo, Ohio. EUROPEAN OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: 29 Constitution Hill, Birmingham, England. EASTERN OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: No. 144 Chambers St., New York, N. Y. WESTERN OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: 135 Lake Street, Chicago, Ills. RAPID FUELING DOCKS, oetnoit river. JAMES GCRAHAM & CO., Foot Twenty-first St., Detroit, © Below Routes of Passenger and Car Ferry Lines. Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. BEST ST E AM CO A Large Supplies and every effort to give dispatch, day and night. Wide . stretch of river for tows, and plenty of water at dock at all times, AND WATER. Office 1008-9 Chamber of Commerce. Lond distance Telephone 2083. Wy. - -H h 3 ou AN AID TO NAVIGATION | | { [I DGERWOQD IMPROVED that prevents grounding or collision in a fog, HOISTING ENGINES | OPHONE OVER 13,000 IN USE. THE ; . MANUFACTURED AND INSTALLED ELECTRIC HOISTS, BY THE Specially adapted for Docks, Warehouses Guamncte EE es and Steamships..... -- le, Ligh ac sg EOPHONE CO. aa imple ght an ompact BOWLING GREEN BLDG., NEW YORK. oe aeue LiIDGERWOOD WMrFa. Co.., It accurately locates the place from 96 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. whence the sound comes, and FHeeeeesccccccceecocee shows its bearing on a dumb com- ; ass. It has been adopted by U.S. "The Little Red Book" of appointments of captains and engineers for gyenue Caterer eeu Eloise 1898 includes names of owners, captains and engineers of 1,000 of the service, has favorable reports o principal lake vessels. It is vest-pocket size, and the price is $1. No one posed ee ou pee interested in marine business or supplying the marine trade can afford to Saat Bie ieee aei aE SEU SE DEE ot be without it. Marine Review, 409 Perry-Payne building, Cleveland, O. This instrument will prove especially valuable in lake navigation on account ae ar \ of the frequency of fogs and thick TH a i ROYAL DOCK Ceo ea aren : weather. : : 2 = | FUEL FOR STEAMERS. THE ROSTER DOCK BELOW U-S: S00 LOCKS, : ----_ OPERATED DAY NIGHT. New Class W" "STEAMERS FUELED PROMPTLY Pressure Regulator. aNm, ar TELEPHONE The Experimental Board of the Bureau E/N i tous R DERRICK | of Steam Engineering of the U. S. =e GKE --_~ a Navy, after pedent tests, report that C ey : ICK 2 an oa Rs LE MANAGES Wf? Teed S it is: "THE BEST PRESSURE REGULA- v TOR AND REDUCING VALVE PS WITHIN THEIR KNOWLEDGE." STEAMERS CAN GET FUEL FROM POCKETS, each of which contains from 25 to 150 tons at all times. | | 0. : 'd Teleph Faster Engngemng Omran ss" =~ MM ARK =H. HANLON ; Bieri ris ale 514 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. ars U.S. NAVY STANDARD. TH : CHAS = M ACHINE Co MPA NY, li P k t For fueling vessels I have the management and con- Engineers and Machinists, Fe Ing 06 cls. trol of the Osborne-Saeger pockets, located next to MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS OF Cleveland ere Bldg. Co.'s yard. Steamers coaled FOG WHISTLE MACHINES, HOISTING ENGINES, _--~ eee STEERING ENGINES, AUTOMATIC TOWING ENGINES. aT: This lighter is equipped with a clam shell POWER AND DROP HAMMERS, AND OTHER MACHINERY. Fueling Lighter RelNdeel, gacet' steamers fueled im any part of ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES, AND GENERAL JOB WORK. harbor or under the breakwater. TELEPHONE MAIN 994, 111 Elim Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. ett initiate