MARINE REVIEW. 21 CRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO. c TOLEDO, OHIO, 2 METAL 2 WOODEN SHIP BUILDERS. oe New Dry Dock--450 feet fong, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet of Water on Sill. AG Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A SPECIALTY. ica ; oy =e Sp) Nie res MARINE VALVE OlLinenn RENOWN ENGINE OLLitnso Marine Valve, Eldorado Engine, Victor Signal, Mineral Seal, Artic Cup Greases, Renown Engine, Crank Case, Dark Lubricating Head Light, and Lard Oils. -- CARRIED IN STOCK AT THE -- STANDARD OIL COMPANY'S MARINE DEPOT, 'inl HU { is im TECEPHONE 77. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, O. main wre TELEPHONE 682. WALVENOIL/ ALSO FOR SALB Chicago, Ill., No.5 Wabash Ave, Marinette, Wis. Buffalo, N u te 5 BY Racine, Wis. Oshkosh, Wis, Sault Ste 'Marie, Mic Milwaukee, Wis. »sroadway & Mason. Duluth, Minn West BayCity,Mich., M, 6, Ry.& 10thSt STANDARD OL Sheboygan, Wis. West papenior Wis. Saginaw, Mich., Eighth & Soars Sts. MPAN Manitowoc, Wis. Hancock, Mich. Detroit, Mich., 46 Jefferson. C0 Ns Green Bay, Wis. Marquette, Mich. Toledo, O., Summit & Monroe Sts. Fe REFINING COMPANY, French & 16th 8ts., Erie, Pa. EDWARD BRAMMALL, Bunton Harbor, Mich, ROBESON, Port Huron, Mich. BABY & DALE, St. Clair, Mich, MARINE SUPPLY O0., Fairport, 0. 'W. 8. MCKINNON, Ashtabula Harbor, O. N.C. ALTEN, Lorai in, O. F. KRANZ, Sandusk cy, ULL & RAND, Huron, O, A. F. HARRINGTON, Conneaut Harbor, O, THE M. I. WILCOX OBDAGE & SUPPLY Co., Toledo @ 1898 Blue Book of American Shipping -- "IS THE BEST BOOK OF THE KIND EVER PUBLISHED,"' MQVYV FREAD Y GQ DELIV' ERY. sas-ORDER A COPY, Price $5, and if you are not satisfied with the BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, book, we will pay express both ways and credit the $5. 409 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND 0. "The most perfect feed water heater and purifier we ever saw."--R. HAMMOND. IN PRACTICAL USE ON 35 LAKE STEAMERS. Every Purifier Warranted to Remove all Sediment or Scale-Forming Substance. ROBERT LEARMONTH PATENTEE, 200 LAFAYETTE AVENUE, - - BUFFALO, N.Y. SEND FOR CIRCULAR, Names of Steamers on the Lakes 'using the Nickel Plate Ahoy? Aye, Aye Sir! 5 i BUFFAL 9 Braise eee acer The line to hail and the line to take iD eee ; To reach your craft to fit her out, "ent = oa: LINE spouts Open Is the well-known ship-shape Nickel Plate Route, i § ng. O ge PRY Mee Ste HO. Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, RearER Sibley, Str. B. Boutelle. Or any port you want to go, 'oD ANCHOR LinE.--Str.Mahoning, The shortest time and the lowest rate Str. Schuylkill, Str. Codortis, Str. Are shipmates with the Nickel Plate. Susquehanna, Str. Clarion, Str. Lehigh, Str. India, Str. China, : Str. Japan, Str. Lycoming, Str. A SUPERB DI N | N G CA = SERVICE. Conemaugh, Str. Juniata, Str. Alaska, Str. Delaware, Str. Con- estoga, Str. Wissahickon, Str. Philadelphia, Str. Winslow. A. W. JOHNSTON, or, B. F. HORNER, LAKE MICHIGAN AND 'LAKE Gen'! Supt. Gen'l Palas: Agi: SUPERIOR TRANSPORTATION Co.--Str. Manitou. OWE 7 a, ALAN @: For particulars inquire of